Many Republicans in the U.S. Senate are using the phrase “repeal - TopicsExpress


Many Republicans in the U.S. Senate are using the phrase “repeal and replace” to express what they hope to achieve with Obamacare. They imply that this is the same as “defund or delay”. They are not the same. “Repeal and replace” is a legislative strategy that requires one of these two outcomes to happen following the 2014 and 2016 elections. In 2014, the R’s would have to achieve 67 seats in the Senate and 290 in the House in order to override a veto. When was the last time the either party had 67 seats in the Senate or 290 in the House? Alternatively, in 2016, the R’s would need to retain the majority in the House, have 60 solid R votes in the Senate, and have an R elected president willing to sign a bill repealing Obamacare three years after it has gone into effect. The R’s would need 60 votes in the Senate to achieve cloture on any debate. What is the likelihood of either of these happening? When an R in the Senate states that they will do everything possible to repeal and replace, they are trying to fool you. Now that you understand the reality of what is needed, this is seen clearly as attempting to mislead the voters. One Cincy staffer of Senator Portman indicated that Portman favored repeal and replace. With this better understanding, what Senators Cruz and Lee are now doing in the Senate is clear. They are trying to defund or delay Obamacare as this is the only way to stop it that has any real chance. Mike Snead Conservative activist
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 23:33:53 +0000

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