Many filipina girls have many boyfriends and husbands at the same - TopicsExpress


Many filipina girls have many boyfriends and husbands at the same time (multiple relationships) and when they are asked if they have boyfriend they reply either 1- The boys they have are gays, 2- The girls are still virgin, 3-They are only class mates, 4-The boys are cousins, 5-The girls are still single, 6- The girls do not have any boyfriends or relationships now( this is the most often reply you will get)!!!! But the true fact is that most of all these replies are plain lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Having said all that, and to be fair, not all filipina girls are like that. In fact there are many filipina girls who are truthful, decent, and honest!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 10:27:58 +0000

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