Many good men, and women, have been tarnished with the moniker - TopicsExpress


Many good men, and women, have been tarnished with the moniker flip-flopper. Ive been so embarrassed at being thought of that way that Ive been keeping a secret. Its time I came out and told the truth... I hope Scotland votes NO on September 18th. If you dont know what Im talking about, do some research. This is a momentous moment in recent UK history. After 300 years the union is on the verge of possible collapse. Up until very recently Id been hoping for a YES result but the more I read (coming from our smartest writers both political and financial) and the more I begin to understand the ramifications of such an outcome, the more I realise that any answer other than a decision to keep Great Britain together would almost certainly be a disaster. I dont use that word lightly either. I wont be providing links to all the research here but its out there and its fairly bleak. Read John Mauldin, Paul Krugman, George Friedman - its pretty scary and somewhat depressing stuff. Britain truly is stronger together. Scotland certainly is. As a country Scotland spends more on social services than it brings in. That is subsidised spending. Once were on our own, where will the money come from to maintain such needed social services? Oil? Theres so little of it left. Quality of life will certainly change for Scots and not for the better. And what about the rest of the world? There are so many divisive issues that are driving nations apart. To be able to have a strong hand in helping make positive change in the world, to eradicate hunger, to tackle climate change, to stop extremist religious beliefs (whatever sect) from driving the final nail in our global coffin - Britain needs all her partners together. Im an expat. Thousands of miles away from home. Scotland has become a romantic notion for me, after all these years away. I cannot vote in this election. Thats probably why I was so quick to jump into the YES camp. Finally my fantastical notions of finding another Mary, making her Queen and forgetting James VI ever had his way are close to coming true! However, I dont have to live with the burden of a YES decision. Neither should anyone else. Alex Salmond has some pretty romantic notions too and I certainly dont blame the man for trying. Its a noble cause to want to see Scotland take her place on the world stage again. By why force her to go it alone? Let her rise with her sisters and using the full force of British might, be the change we wish to see in the world. Work together. Grow together. Share, save, focus, and keep inventing the modern world. Scotland has given so many inventions and ideas that have changed the way we live. Use those brains Scotland - and the monies we raise - to find a source of cheap, renewable green energy and make it affordable for all. That will give you an independence no YES vote could ever offer. Instead of focussing on going it alone, invent something for the world again. THATS what were truly good at. I know much has been made recently of polls showing a swing in numbers of citizens who might vote YES, but dont forget there are those whove seen the light and hopefully they will be encouraged to vote NO to Scottish independence. ~Euan.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:11:50 +0000

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