Many have called or asked my opinion concerning the upcoming - TopicsExpress


Many have called or asked my opinion concerning the upcoming tetrad or blood moons that are to occur beginning on April 14th 2014. To those who are not aware of the recent buzz concerning these events, let me expound. The tetrad is an astronomical event that involves a lunar eclipse as a result of the earth being in perfect alignment with the moon and the sun. The resulting eclipse gives the moon a reddish appearance as it is engulfed with the rays of the sun. This is commonly referred to as a blood moon. The first of a series of four blood moons is to occur on April 14th of 2014 and this begins a succession in which this event occurs every six months with the final occurrence on Sept. 28th of 2015. This 2 year succession of blood moons is called the tetrad. Of particular interest to Christian circles is that the next four blood moons occur at the precise time of the Jewish feasts of Passover in April 2014 and Sukkot (or the Feast of Tabernacles) in Oct. of 2014. Recent publications, articles and videos address a popular teaching by trinitarian Pentecostal preacher John Hagee that aligns these upcoming events with biblical prophecy. Pastor Hagee believes that these events predicate the coming of Jesus Christ and certain end time events involving Israel and the Jewish people. He backs up his claims by citing significant events in Israels history and their approximation to past blood moons including the 6 day war in 1967, Israels birth as a nation in 1948 and the Spanish Inquisition and the resulting purging of the Jews from Spain in 1492. He links these events and the upcoming blood moons with the seven biblical passages beginning with Joel 2:31 that describe prophetic events with similar Lunar characteristics. While I understand and believe in the spiritual significance of the UPCOMING blood moon events and their alignment with Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles, I believe that Pastor Hagee is in error by linking these events exclusively with the nation of Israel. My reasons for believing this are as follows: 1. There have been many tetrad cycles over the past 500 years (around 80 give or take) and these cycles did not occur at significant times in Jewish history. 2. The events referenced by Pastor Hagee occurred AFTER the tetrad cycles that he aligned these blood moons with and not before. That means that these blood moon occurrences were NOT prophetic signs of those events. and 3. The prophetic scriptures beginning with Joel 2:31 describe the moon turning to blood as a sign to the WHOLE world of the soon coming of Jesus Christ and not just a sign to Israel. Now as to my feelings about these upcoming events. I find spiritual significance in the fact that the next tetrad events all occur during the afore mentioned Jewish Feasts and that they occur in the time frame that Sec. of State John Kerry, at the behest of the Obama administration and the United Nations, has given to Israel and the Palestinians to broker a peace agreement. In case you do not know, the Obama administration has been conducting clandestine meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials to broker a peace agreement that ushers in the relinquishing of God-mandated Israeli territories to create a Palestinian state. The heavy handed tactics by this corrupt, evil and un-godly administration, as well as the Beast United Nations governmental system, include economic sanctions AGAINST Israel should they choose not to sign the so-called peace agreement before APRIL 29th of 2014. Thats right saints, a date that not only coincides with the events that we are discussing, but is only one month away. As any student of Eschatology and the scriptures know, it is the signing of that peace agreement that ushers in the beginning of the 7 years of great tribulation and the one world governmental system led by the Anti-christ and his false prophet. These prophecies include that glorious event known as the rapture or calling away of the saints of God. I say come Lord quickly! While I will not with an as surety say that these blood moons are the prophesied events of Joel 2:31, I will repeat the word of God that says...when you see these signs approaching, look up for your redemption draweth nigh! Should these events occur on or before April 29th, they should bring hope to the born-again believer and fear to the hearts of the back-slider and unbelievers alike. You can make your election sure friend! Repent and turn away from your sins. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of those sins and let Jesus fill you with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost like those that were filled in the book of Acts. Not only will it be the best decision of your life, but it will be your ticket to heaven away from the judgement God has reserved for those who have rejected Him. If you wish, I will glady counsel, pray or baptize those who have allowed these words written here to minister to you today. In Jesus precious name!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:50:30 +0000

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