Many have had a long and sleepless night. Others just don’t feel - TopicsExpress


Many have had a long and sleepless night. Others just don’t feel like it this morning. Then there are those who just don’t want to. But in spite of how we might feel this morning Heavenly Father, it is not about us, but it is about you. Therefore we choose to praise you this morning! We choose to lift up our hands! We choose to give you glory! We choose to honor you! Because in the midst of it all we are still here, because you have allowed us to be one more time. Thank you Jesus! For another day’s journey! Lord forgive us of our sins. Some of our sins have been intentional, some have been habitual, and some have been unknown. But we trust the blood of Jesus today, to remove every stain, shame, and guilt of our sins. So now we come to your throne of grace. Thank you for meeting us there. We lift up this mean, cruel, and evil world Father. We need you to restore us and reconcile us to each other that we can walk in love for one another. We pray for our leaders and all that are in authority over us. Lead and guide them to do what is right on our behalf. So that all would be well in our land. Lord we pray that your Holy Spirit would bring comfort, consolation, and cover to the hearts of the hurting. Lord heal us. The racism, bigotry, hatred, and all forms of malice that have occurred in our nation is because we as a people have drifted farther and farther from you. And as a result we have drifted farther away from what your word has asked us to do. Please have mercy Father. In the days ahead we need your name to be high and lifted up. Far above our most immediate circumstances. For you and you alone are the Righteous Judge, and you Lord will always do what is right. The day will come when we will all have to stand before you to give an account of all that we have done. Help us to be mindful of that today. One thing that is sure on that day, our knees will bow, and our tongues will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. We look forward to that day. When we are released from the troubles of this world. When we are changed and transformed to be just like Jesus. We call on you now Father to bring peace and reconciliation to this nation in which we live. Help us Lord. For all for all of our help comes from you. The creator of heaven and earth. We bless your name today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 09:43:02 +0000

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