Many have heard and asked about my upcoming surgery Monday. The - TopicsExpress


Many have heard and asked about my upcoming surgery Monday. The procedure I am having is to correct an incontinence issue I have had ever since I gave birth to my children. After much prayer and thought, I have decided to share a little about it for 2 reasons. (If you are not female and don’t care either way, you can quit reading this post now. If you are female and have ever experienced the embarrassment of incontinence, I pray you will be ministered to through this.) One reason I am sharing is because many are genuinely concerned and want to know how serious it is; how to minister to me, how to pray for me, etc. Let me first just say it isn’t that serious of a surgery procedure, it’s simply because of the embarrassment for so many years, that I haven’t shared info about it. The procedure itself is outpatient surgery and shouldn’t last very long. I anticipate being back home around noon and in my bed sleeping off the anesthesia effects. The recovery, however, is supposed to be 6 weeks of not lifting anything over 5 lbs, etc! The healing benefits and the success of this procedure will not be until after the 6 weeks. So as my mind works, I am preparing for the worst and hoping and praying for the best. I am getting things in order (home, ministry, family, finances, etc.) so I can be at home to heal; assuming I may not be able to drive or attend to many normal responsibilities for a while. And the second, and most important reason I would share this, is because I believe if I could let an embarrassing condition hinder me for 20+ years of many activities I should have been free to do, then there may be some one else out there in the same situation. I wish someone would have told me earlier how easy this could have been taken care of. But it seems that women are generally private about this condition. I feel like I allowed this condition to create a world of bondage for me. I missed out on many of my youngest years in doing activities I should have been free to do. Some memories (funny now) are it caused me to drop my motorcycle one time in a Ryan’s parking lot because David & Sandy Anderson made me laugh so hard until it was hard to hold my bike and the stress/weight of holding up my bike caused me to pee on myself. It caused me to quit and abandon our church’s first softball team (which was a sport I loved and played all the way up into high school) because I couldn’t run around the bases without peeing on myself. I have refused to work out in a public gym because of it. I would have to chose carefully how much jumping and praising the Lord I could do in church for fear of it. I have had to regretfully make many decisions based on my physical limitations because of it. I can share all this now because I am completely over the embarrassment and just ready to get my life back! And I share this because there may be some shy, timid, or just very private young lady out there with this same condition that needs to know they aren’t the only one going through this condition and that there are medicines and medical procedures out there to help. I never received helpful information through my young years. All I ever heard, if anyone who was actually willing to share, is that if they had gotten surgery to correct it, that it didn’t work for them and not to waste my time considering it. There were no commercials advertising medical procures or medicine back then. Well medical advances have come a long way over the years and there are many smarter and less invasive procedures now. So regardless of the outcome of my surgery, (which I have no reason to believe it will not be successful) I am liberated to face the ugliness of the condition and pray for anyone else out there that is dealing with an embarrassing condition like this. If that is you and you would like prayer for your situation and/or would like to talk, message me, I would be glad to help you through the thought process. In the mean time, I appreciate all your prayers for my surgery and for quick healing.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 23:18:02 +0000

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