Many of our clients dont realize that TEAMS also endorses and - TopicsExpress


Many of our clients dont realize that TEAMS also endorses and offers Beachbody products. If you arent familiar with Beachbody, you probably recognize titles such as P90X, Insanity and other popular fitness videos. In addition to the multitude of fitness products, TEAMS also offers the nutrition products that Beachbody has to offer. One of the more popular products available is the meal replacement, Shakeology. Below is a post that explains the benefits of Shakeology and why it is a better choice than just eating healthy. Please let us know if youd like more information on Shakeology or any other Beachbody products. WHY Shakeology? My View + 3rd party scientific studies Hey Leaders... Wouldnt it be nice to have some strong, 3rd party scientific evidence for WHY Shakeology is necessary and beneficial? I have 2 pieces that youll find VERY interesting! WRITTEN BY DAVID INGRAM (3/19/2014) A coach who is a dietician commented on my profile last night, telling me he was struggling with promoting Shakeology because he believed in a better alternative (just eating healthy)…. You can see his message below and my reply to him below that. I had made a video about BELIEFS and how a lack of belief can hold you back as a coach. He was replying to that. JOSH WROTE: I have an honest question that is making me struggle with my business bc its preventing me from achieving success club. I went to college for 5 years to study to become a Dietitian. I have a hard time promoting Shakeology simply due to the fact that I believe healthy eating is the best alternative to become healthy. I became a coach back before we had Shakeology and I have been struggling ever since Shakeology became essential to achieve success club and success with the business. I absolutely love the workouts and truly believe in them. I just feel that a healthy diet provides more bioavailability than a supplement although I know Shakeology is the best meal replacement on the market. I seem to have more success with others when I get them to commit to a clean diet and exercise. Is there any advice you can give me on this subject? I greatly appreciate it. DAVID WROTE: Hey Josh, I appreciate your honesty and the fact that you trusted me enough to share that struggle with me. I agree that it sounds like the lack of belief is whats holding you back. Hopefully I can help you through that… Heres how I see it… 1) I think we can all agree that the traditional approach of telling people to just eat healthy has failed society. With 7 out of 10 people now overweight and the #1 cause of death being obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure/cholesterol, its pretty clear that the traditional approach has failed. Weve given dietitians and certified nutritionists a chance… it hasnt been working. It didnt work for me personally. We needed a NEW APPROACH… and based on the results all around us, the NEW APPROACH IS WORKING! 2) I believe its because people have been TOO BUSY and there are too many EASY FOOD CHOICES available that are UNHEALTHY (See: Fast Food). When its SO EASY to grab and go with crappy food, but eating healthy is a chore, its clear why people are eating from the dollar menu. 3) Shakeology gives people a SIMPLE, GRAB & GO FOOD CHOICE that is EASY, and SUPER HEALTHY. 9 servings of fruits & vegetables, daily vitamins from whole food sources, probiotics, digestive enzymes, proteins & healthy carbohydrates, etc. 4) The other problem is that when people DECIDE to diet, they cut so many good foods out of their diet that they arent getting the 27 essential daily micronutrients that their body needs each day. A study published in the June 2010 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, titled: Prevalence of micronutrient deficiency in popular diet plans, found that research has shown micronutrient deficiency to be scientifically linked to a higher risk of overweight/obesity and other dangerous and debilitating diseases. With more than two-thirds of the U.S. population overweight or obese, and research showing that one-third are on a diet at any given time, a need existed to determine whether current popular diet plans could protect followers from micronutrient deficiency by providing the minimum levels of 27 micronutrients, as determined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) Reference Daily Intake (RDI) guidelines. (Reference: jissn/content/7/1/24) Regarding specifically the Atkins, DASH, South Beach, and Best Life diets: -All four diet plans failed to deliver 100% sufficiency for the selected 27 essential micronutrients, based on RDI guidelines, when followed as recommended by their suggested daily menus using whole food alone. -A typical dieter on any of these four popular diet plans would be, on average, 56.48% deficient in obtaining RDI sufficiency, and lacking in 15 out of the 27 essential micronutrients analyzed. They can get these in Shakeology. 5) What about Multi Vitamins? Cant people just take those instead? USA Today, Dec 2013: Medical Journal: ‘Case Closed’ against vitamin pills. (Reference: usatoday/story/news/nation/2013/12/16/vitamin-supplements-research/4042037/) - The latest studies on vitamins have some medical experts saying case closed — its time for most consumers to stop wasting money on multivitamins and other supplements, because they have no proven benefits and some possible harms. - What weve found time and again is that the supplements are not working… we dont need to go on studying them forever, said editorial writer Eliseo Guallar of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in a telephone interview. Multivitamins dont work because they are produced in a lab with chemicals. Our bodies need vitamins & minerals from WHOLE FOOD SOURCES... like in Shakeology. 6) When you say that eating healthy is the best way to get healthy, I guess its how you define BEST. I would describe that as IDEAL.. It would be IDEAL if people were knew all the right foods to eat to get all the essential nutrients their body needs to function. It would be IDEAL If they had good habits and took the time to shop at farmers markets and purchased the right variety of foods. It would be IDEAL if the soil in this country wasnt depleted and the bioavailability of vitamins & nutrients in our agriculture werent declining. The BEST solution is the one that people will actually USE. Based on the success of Shakeology (and the Beachbody Challenge), people are actually USING IT! 7) But I ask you, why choose ONE OR THE OTHER (Healthy eating vs. Shakeology)? Why not choose BOTH? I teach people how to eat healthy… I educate them on food and I help them build new habits around grocery shopping and meal prep.. I teach that in my challenge groups. It takes TIME. Shakeology is a quick answer, an easy way for people to improve their nutrition & health OVERNIGHT. Its the foundation of my nutrition plan and its a really good insurance policy for people who arent making the best food choices. I give people BOTH. 8) Ive seen so many amazing success stories with it, like my wife Kate who was stuck at a weight-loss plateau for 9 months while eating super healthy and working out twice a day.. until she added Shakeology to her diet and bam broke through and lost 13 lbs in 90 days, getting down to her lightest and healthiest since before our wedding day! Or my friend Jeff who was on 5 medications for stomach ulcers and IBS for 12 years… and within 60 days of Shakeology, he got off all meds and all ulcers had healed. Perhaps youre missing out on experiencing these success stories, which help build belief! 9) Youre a dietician, you want to teach people to eat healthy, thats awesome…but maybe you could ask them how would you like to get started, the EASY way (Shakeology, while learning why to eat as we go) OR the HARD way (changing all your habits now & learning what to eat)? 10) I choose to give people an easier way… to help people change RIGHT NOW (with Shakeology) while teaching them about nutrition along the way. Lord knows they need it... with McDonalds & Redbull and these grocery stores providing so many easy unhealthy options, spending billions in marketing.. people need an easier & BETTER option NOW!! Is Shakeology the only way to get healthy? NO...of course not! Besides, Its only 160 calories and its a small part of a daily diet. But I believe it is a GREAT tool -- to help people get control of their diet, to increase energy and improve digestion of ALL the food they eat. I BELIEVE people are BETTER OFF when they have it. And because of my own experience and so many people who have thanked me for it, I BELIEVE in it and RECOMMEND IT! I hope this helps --I took the time to give you a well thought-out response and share a small glimpse of my experience with it. Because of your honesty & struggle, I thought you deserved it.. AFTER READING MY REPLY, JOSH WROTE: Thank you David. I really appreciate your comment. I am very happy that you took time out of your day to go into details about my question. You definitely helped me out. Ill definitely take your advice and incorporate it into my teachings. Ive asked many coaches to help me with this issue I face and I either never get a reply or get a simple reply that doesnt give me a great answer. Thank you again, and I will strive to hit success club with your advice.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 12:32:15 +0000

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