Many of you are not aware that Millies dearest girlfriend is Lola - TopicsExpress


Many of you are not aware that Millies dearest girlfriend is Lola Yorkie. Lola lives in the last house at the far end of the block where the Misty Neighborhood mysteriously disappears around the corner and becomes the big city. Lola lives with humans Ron and Jan and a mean haughty cat named Leo. On occasion, when Ron is working and Jan is spending the day volunteering at the local animal shelter, Jan drops Lola off at Millie and Lunas place for a play date. Of course, all of us know that Millie doesnt play, and Lola is a kindred spirit. The two tiny friends are serious watchdogs. Every day, Lola lingers at the edge of her big green lawn and barks and barks and barks at everything and everybody who happens by her. From her vantage point, she can see the entire neighborhood from one end to the other. But, like a good Yorkie, she never leaves her yard because her mom would worry if she did. Often, Millie will be deeply involved with Porch Patrol at her house at the center of the block while Lola is keeping an eye on the neighborhood goings-on from her chosen watchdog station at the edge of her lawn. When they work together, they bark together, and they consider that a fine moment for tiny watchdogs everywhere. Its deeply rewarding to bark with friends, especially when youre both born with a purpose. Here is a recent conversation when Lola was visiting with Millie. Tiny watchdogs everywhere will relate. Where did Luna go, Millie? Shes in wif Mom. Fluffhead poodles dont work. Lunas pwobably layin on da couch watchin Mom work. Or, she could be rollin dat stupid red ball around. I hate dat ball. Shes always whackin me in da head wif it. Mom says Luna whacks my head to try to get me to pway wif her. I dont know what I have to do to convince everybody round here dat I dont want to pway. I have a job to do. I cant lay around and do nuffin all day like Luna does. Nobody understands the working watchdog, Millie. I bark and bark and bark on the edge of our yard, day-in and day-out, and all Mom does is tell me to be quiet. I try to protect her, Dad, and that stupid cat, and all I get are complaints. Whats it like livin wif a cat? Its bad enough livin wif a fluffhead. I cant imagine dealin wif a cat. Its awful. Leo is so much bigger than I am. He waits till Mom isnt looking, then he swirls in a circle around me, swishing that big tail of his in my face, brushing my whiskers with it and grinning that evil grin of his. He knows it makes me mad, but I cant do a thing about it because Mom likes him better than she likes me. She does? How do you know that? I know it because she lets him lay around on the dining room table all day, every day. Im not allowed up there. Thats not fair. One day, I got real brave, and I decided that if Leo could get up on the dining room table, then so could I. So, when Mom was getting supper ready, right after she set a platter full of meatloaf on the table and went back to the kitchen, I jumped up there and helped myself to meatloaf. How did that work for ya? Not so good. I was punished for doing the very thing that Leo is allowed to do every day. Just because the meatloaf was on the table at the time shouldnt have made one bit of difference. Should it, Millie? Of course not. Dat is definite discrimination. But, it doesnt surprise me. Humans are strange and they run da world and everything and everybody in it. And rules dat apply to dogs dont ever apply to cats. Mom gives those lazy yard cats all da scraps from da table when Im starvin on da Dr. Evans Chunky Monkey Starvation Diet. Da cats are fat, and Im wastin away to bones. Im sure glad I have you to talk to, Millie. Its good to have a friend. I feel da same way, Lola. Its lucky we have each utter. Da humans might not appweciate us, but we always have each utter. BFFs forever, Millie? Forever, Lola. Ya wanna go in for awhile? Well pretend we gotta pee, well go out and do fake pees, and Momll give us peanut butter treats. Sounds good. You know, humans are so dumb, and were so smart. Very true. Da secret is to always allow da humans to beweave dat theyre smarter dan us. Youre the smartest dog I know, Millie. Im proud to be your watchdog-partner and your friend. Stick wif your Millie, Lola, and youll be alright. Ya wanna go eat a grub? Sure. Why not?
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:13:49 +0000

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