Many of you have asked about Pastor Hagee saying that Jesus is not - TopicsExpress


Many of you have asked about Pastor Hagee saying that Jesus is not the Messiah. This is absolutely 100% UNTRUE! There are videos that have been on the internet for years touting this falsehood, and to put that to rest, here is the direct transcript of the sermon that Pastor spoke on that people have used to completely misrepresent him: Meet the Final World Order that will rule the earth. This final World Order will rule forever and forever. And of that Kingdom, there will be no end. It begins dramatically in the text that Ive read in Revelation 19:11. It begins when Jesus Christ comes to earth a second time. Listen to me closely. Do not confuse the rapture with the second coming. The next thing thats going to happen is the rapture of the church. It could happen before I finish speaking this sermon. In an hour that you think not, and no man knows the day, the hour. But my father, which is in heaven. Which means Jesus Christ himself does not know the time. Seven years after the tribulation starts is the second coming, where Christ and all of the armies of heaven will be with the Old Testament saints, the New Testament saints, all of the angels mounted on white horses, all robed in white, thundering through the clouds, coming down on the City of Jerusalem. He is there to come as King of kings and Lord of lords. The first time He came, He was a baby in Bethlehems manger. The next time He comes He will be the King of all the earth. The first time He came, He was a teacher, and they crucified Him. The next time He comes, He will sit on the throne of His father David on the Temple Mount. The first time He came, He was the lamb who was led to the slaughter. The next time He comes, He will be the lion of the Tribe of Judah, whose roar will shake the earth. Give Him praise in the house of God! **Social media note: Pastors point was...the first time Jesus came, He came as a baby in Bethlehems manger...born to die for our sins. The next time He comes, He comes as the Messiah to all...where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Thank you for your many comments and your concern. We appreciate your looking out for our beloved Pastor, knowing that as long as He is faithfully preaching the uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ, there will be detractors. We ask that you lift up Pastor Hagee and Pastor Matt as they continue their daily calling of taking the Gospel around the world, and to every generation!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 23:35:00 +0000

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