Many of you have messaged me with these questions but I thought I - TopicsExpress


Many of you have messaged me with these questions but I thought I would answer publicly for any others who might also be curious, goes! 1. HOW MUCH IS IT? Most of our products are between $20-$40. NONE are over $100. If you are curious about a specific product, message me and I will be happy to tell you the price. 2. IS IT SAFE? Yes. In fact, Plexus is the most natural health supplement line on the market today. All of our products are gluten free, NON-GMO, contain no artificial sweeteners (including Sucralose), no dyes or chemicals and most are Vegan (except Plexus 96 protein which have Whey) & Kosher (except Fast Relief Line which is derived from shellfish). 3. WILL IT WORK FOR ME? I personally believe that Plexus can help EVERYONE! We have one of the highest success rates in the Health Supplement industry! However, I also believe it is important that you work with a knowledgeable ambassador who is more than capable of helping find the best regimen for you to reach your health goals and who is prepared to walk closely with you on your journey and is willing to help troubleshoot issues, should they arise. This, paired with your consistency in taking the products, can equal incredible results! 4. IM TRYING TO DECIDE BETWEEN _______ & PLEXUS. WHAT MAKES PLEXUS DIFFERENT? If you know me at all, you know this one gets me excited and fired-up because THIS is exactly why I chose to share these products in the first place. Being a health and wellness buff, I didnt want to put anything in my body on a regular basis that would harm it. I contemplated taking a LOT of other Supplement Lines but I always found SOMETHING that would deter me...namely Sucralose (or soy, or GMO corn). If Im going to be putting these products in my body every single day, I want to know that they will not only benefit me short-term, but that they will ALSO benefit me long-term. I set out at first, to prove that Plexus was no different. I researched and researched and what I found changed my heart. I fell in LOVE with what I saw and I was SO PUMPED that I didnt just want to take the products, I also wanted to share them with everyone I knew. Please trust that I would NEVER, EVER try to get you started on a product that I thought might someday harm you. Plexus is natural. Plexus doesnt replace anything. You can actually EAT with Plexus, haha! It is wonderful and I hope you decide to give it a try. If you have any other question, ask away and Ill answer in the comments...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:13:41 +0000

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