Many of you know that the church I serve in operates over 10 - TopicsExpress


Many of you know that the church I serve in operates over 10 separate businesses. Things like a full service breakfast and burger joint (the angry llama diner), UHaul dealership, Banner & car wrap, stickers...Screen printing business and several others... you get the idea. All of them bring income into the church as well as provide open doors to meet new people and begin friendships. Through those relationships we see MANY eventually join us in our Journey. Not all believe as we do, but they are part of us none the less. Anyway, as I travel the country doing talks and consulting I am consistently talking with church leaders who are needing to reach youth as well as bring the level of income up in the church. If you are one of these, then may I suggest to you, consider starting a fully accredited driving school for teens. Ours has been going for over a year and I cannot tell you the good it has brought us. Its truly AMAZING! Finally, a way to get to know teens because they ALL want to drive. Our Driving School is run almost entirely on volunteers. The income is VARY substantial and you will meet almost every kid in your area if you can keep the cost low. We dont use it to preach or do any religious stuff but rather we just want to befriend them. I say all this because we are looking for churches in all 50 states to do this in 2014. We will franchise our driving school and curriculum so you can get going fast. We will make changes to our program to comply with each states standards as well come train your team how to teach and run it. We already have 7 churches already in the process. We believe that this idea is bigger than us and we know that it can be used to understand and care for the next generation as well as help bring funds to help churches fulfill their vision. If this interests you please get to us now before the end of the year so we can get the ball rolling. You can comment or DM your info here. It is a VERY COOL thing to see in church! Just thought Id share this with my friends and fans first:-)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 00:14:51 +0000

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