Many often have wondered exactly where the remainng ten tribes of - TopicsExpress


Many often have wondered exactly where the remainng ten tribes of Israel may be. This has confounded the minds of many over the centuries. You see, the House of Isarel was taken captive and scattered a few hundred years before the House of Judah was taken captive by Babylon. The house of Israel became scattered and swollowed up in the nations of the worlds - they lost their roots and identity. But the Jews (i.e. the House of Judah)have always retained their identity even throughout their wanderings. It is believed by some that those who call themselves Jews today consist of the tribe of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi all which can be found in the genealogies of those coming out of babylon, under Ezra and Nehrmiah, and once again being established in Israel. These are the same tribes that were scattered after 70 AD and gathered again in 1948 up to the present day. As for the remaining tribes - some believe they may be intermingled with the English, Italians, British etc.,etc., etc. In fact, many of the promises (given through Moses and Jacob) to Manasseh and Ephriam (that they should became many nations and blessed with hills and fruitfulness etc.)have apparently been fulfilled by the peoples of Great Britian and the United States. Hence some believe the anglo-saxons (saxon = sons of Issac)consist of some of the lost tribes. Even to this day some anglo-saxions have Jewish features etc. In all these considerations Adonai led me to rest content in the fact that He knows those who are His. We cannot focus our whole attention on the natural House of Israel, in these last days, waiting for Yeshua to raise up some natural Jews to fuifill Elohims purposes. What I am trying to say is that many Gentiles may unknownly be part of the original tribes of Israel and therefore they too will have part in the 144,000 etc. Both the House of Israel and the House of Judah will be brought together in these last days. For us it is a matter of confusion of face but Adonai knows those who are His. The remnant of the Jews that exist today - mainly in Israel and New York City etc., is not the only Israel Yahveh sees. He sees the whole house of Israel which numbers more than the sand of the sea and indeed is many nations. Let us no longer single out natural Jews in Adonais last day plan, we must allow room for some who appear to be gentile Christians which indeed may really be natural branches. Hence, the racial barriers are dropped - let us seek followship and coporation with all our brethren (Jew or Gentile) in Mashiach. (These are just considerations and are not being presented as hard facts - there is much theory and speculation as to who exactly is part of the original 12 tribes of Israel. All in all the tribes that lost their idenity need to be brought back to their roots in the sense that the Gentile Church needs the life blood of Jewish Christian believers if ever they are to experience what it means to be a true and faith Christian to Mashiach. The House of Israel needs the House of Judah in the same sense that the Gentile Church needs the Jewish messianic Church that together they can be a witness for Yeshua in these last days. These things narrow down to the possibility that: Gentile Christians = the lost ten tribes of Israel that have been gathered through the preaching of the gospel. This gathering took 2000 years. Now that it is about accomplished their brethren, the House of Judah, will be grafted bac in and the two will become one body in Mashiach. Together, with mashiach in their midst, they will go forth - the moment the whole creation has been awaiting. . . This is by no means a complete post. It may be clarified at a later time. Im not to sure if this has any real connection to the lost tribes of Israel, though I am bewildered. I found that the Hmong ethnic group, a small minority group from Asia, has some of the features of the original tribes of Israel, and Im thinking to myself that maybe they are. The Hmong are a tribal group of agrarian highland people who have lived in China for many centuries, and have recent moved southwards into Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. in SE Asia in the recent centuries as a result of persecution and genocide. They are mixed with other Asian heritages, but what sets them apart are as follows: - Hmong Religion: Through years of war, genocide, and slavery the Hmong have lost much of their identity. A quick look at a Hmong person, and hes no different from any other Asian. However, unlike many other Asian cultures, the Hmong believe in 1 omnipotent being called Shao. Shao created the universe with all its creatures and wonders, but specifically create a MAN and a WOMAN. The Hmong, who no longer have their ancient form of writing, use folklore to pass on history. Their storie of the creation is surprising similar to the storie of Adam & Eve, and parallels it to many effects. The Hmong also believe in a future king (which I believe is a distortion of the Messiah through all the years in exile) will come and restore the Hmong. This is surprisingly similar to the Messiah as well, though it is distorted to the effect that no specifics are given. Traditional Hmong religion, which is primarily animalism and ancestral (which was probably picked up from the Chinese) also retains the belief that when a person dies they cross a red river to return home to rest. I believe this symbolizes the the Great Crossing of the Red Sea as led by Moses in the Exodus from Egypt. - Hmong Written Language: Through the centuries, the Hmong have lost their written language. It is believed to have been destroyed as a result of Chinese oppression and genocide/enslavement of the Hmong, and as a tool of docility (if theres such a word) they abolished the Hmong written language after the fall of the Hmong Empire (around the mid to late 600s AD, correct me if Im wrong). Their written language has, for the small part, survived until today though much of the meanings are lost. Hmong characters can be found on Hmong tapestry, which they call [pa dao?] which often have an uncanny resemblance the modern and ancient Jewish scripts. They hide the language by coding it as art in tapestry, and this has helped to keep the written language partially intact to this day. Through all the centuries, it seems that the written language was never LOST, just forgotten. - Hmong Physiology: the Hmong are a fair haired people with an average height of about 4-5. What sets them apart from the Asian community is their skin color and hair. The Hmong generally are much fairer than their Asian neighbors, and in many instances have children who are blonde or light haired, as opposed to the common black hair of the Asia. They do not have much in common with the rest of Asia, which points out that they did not originate in Asia. In ancient myths and legends, the Hmong were a tall warring people who entered the Asian arena as newcomers and was first reported in China. They were excellent warriors, though it seemed the rest of Asia just wanted to fight the Hmong for absolutely no reasons (similar to why the Arabs are always fighting the Jews). The Hmong built themselves a kingdom in or around the 600s B.C. in China, which was destroyed after the Chinese emperors at the time saw the Hmong as a threat to their power. They hadnt won so easily either, it was through deceit that took the Hmong offguard. The Hmong were forced into slavery, their women given to Chinese men to marry, their language and customs forced to abandon, and they were forced to adopt Chinese traditions. As a result, their physical appearances are more Chinese than Semetic after generations of forced cross marriages. Occassion light haired or blonde haired children are born in the Hmong community, which is NOT a form of ALBINOISM, but rather a recessive gene surfacing (since the darker Asian genes are dominant). With all those facts? to respect, Im not totally convinced that there is a connection, but it does bring a question into mind. Im not a Hmong history guru, but I can make out an idea that maybe theres something we dont know. Since the Hmong were deprived of their written language, no document exists of today that will tell the history of these strange peoples to the Far East, but the Chinese certainly will as theyve had a written language for centuries now. eliyah/forum/messages/656.html
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 07:19:01 +0000

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