Many parents when confronted that their child is a bullying, - TopicsExpress


Many parents when confronted that their child is a bullying, becomes very defensive, and even at times hostile. They will stereo type the victim in forms of manipulation, lies, mental and verbal denial, and will not accept the fact that their child is a bully. When you see the photo of my child, do not look at her skin color, nor race. Look at her with an open heart and mind, She is a little girl, that is bright, loving, caring and has a desire that everyone likes her. She has been conditioned emotionally that it is ok that her bullies call her names, hit her, and will break her toys. She still calls them her friends. She will give them her own toys, snacks for school and even her clothes to make them happy and to like her. Until this last attack, she felt safe to go outside to play, ride her bike in our small neighborhood with no care or worries. Now she does not want to go outside unless her older brother, father or myself is with her. Yesterday she only went outside because I went out into our yard to rake leaves. She stayed close to me, helping rake and sweep the leaves. She still ask if the girl that attacked her if her mother is going to come to our house and yell at her. Last night I had to go out to the store to pick up a few things. I had to force her to go with me, since her father and brother were both at work. she cried and begged me not to make her go, even when I told her I would stop at McDonalds to get her a happy meal, she still would not give in to go. I have noticed she now when walking past the front door checks to see if it is locked, if not she locks it. She is struggling to sleep and wakes up several times in the middle of the night telling me she can not sleep. In the past two months she has accidents in bed, which has never been an issue or problem. I do not say anything to her when it happens except, today we need to put clean mattress covers, sheets and blankets on the bed. It angers me that her teacher did not want to accept the fact her grades were dropping because of what was going on with her by these children, instead she wanted her to be punished for not able to concentrate to finish her work. It angers me that when I went to the school to discuss this matter, and while speaking to the secretary the principle walked right by me without saying a word, stood near her door within earshot of the conversation, yet would not even take the time to discuss the matter. I was told by the secretary that perhaps if I had her during the summer break to read more and work on math problems she would not be near failing grades. A presumption that only angered me more. It angers me that I have not one person in our area that will step in and even address this issue. It angers me that I have to spend over 2,000.00 to take her to another school with hopes she will be ok, yet we still live in the neighborhood of where most of these children live. It angers me that that these parents of these children will tell me if I did not let her ride her bike, come to their home to play with their child this would not happen. It angers me that these same parents have accused me that I have called them bigots on the internet which I have never once said and even printed out, what I have said word for word and never once did I ever say such a thing. The worse thing I ever said about the father of one of them was he was immature, and after the screaming match that occurred at my home, this only verified of what I said is true. When you can not even attempt to speak to someone to try and address and work the issue out, her and his wife preferred that screaming and finger pointing was a more effective way to deal with the issue. This is not a solution. But I do not feel hopeless, I will continue to speak to anyone that is willing to hear my voice and will put into play whatever resources available to stop the violent acts that have occurred.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 12:38:36 +0000

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