Many sad, crazy sides to this whole Ray Rice ordeal but one that I - TopicsExpress


Many sad, crazy sides to this whole Ray Rice ordeal but one that I read about a year ago makes it even worse. About a year ago I was a big Ray Rice fan. He was a big supporter of helping kids that were being bullied. He had a campaign called , Rays Links of Kindness/Anti-Bullying Program. There was a boy named Bailey ONeil who had been bullied on a playground, punched and pushed to the ground. He had seizures from that went into medically induced coma and died a day after his 12th birthday. I remember posting on Facebook about his story and how Ray Rice reached out to schools in Maryland and talked and how he called this family and told them what he was trying to help fight against. This was March 4th 2013 the time the story was written. Fast forward a year later and we see and read and hear about this,very sad all around. I remember going through beginning of sobriety, my sponsor would always tell me , do not put me on a pedestal, I will let you down. That has stuck with me since day one. Why is all this sad to me? Its sad because I did believe in Ray Rices crusade about bullying, was ready to buy wristbands to help fund and support the cause. Its sad because I have no idea what kind of guy he is/was, thought he had a good heart and that was enough for me. I shake my head at all of this and just wonder what happened, then my sponsors words ring truer than ever, do not put me on a pedestal, Ill let you down. I guess he said it because of our human frailty, how anyone of us at any time can do something out of the ordinary. Again, I dont know Ray Rice personally and am not defending him, just scary how quickly your life can be turned upside down and all around. But for the grace of God there go I
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:07:41 +0000

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