Many saints have questions on marriage, so let me start some basic - TopicsExpress


Many saints have questions on marriage, so let me start some basic questions & answers about marriage: But, remember I will only answer according to the pattern in the Bible, for each of you has a PERSONAL TEACHER – HOLY SPIRIT who will lead/guide you. Let me first give you some important instructions from Holy Spirit: 1) Our Fathers heart does grieve because there are so many married couples experiencing marital problems/issues. 2) The relationship of every married couple is different, and there is not any pattern that applies to every marriage. Holy Spirit wants it noted that each person’s marital experiences/problems/issues has one that is different than any other person had or will have. I am sure, Holy Spirit will lead you personally & help you in this matter. 3) But on the other hand, Our Father is very patient and understanding, as He has Holy Spirit lead you, to your answers of various issues. 4) Remember, Holy Spirit in His teaching will always give SCRIPTURAL BASIS as the basic truth. So, I will be sharing Bible pattern for your various issues & as you continue to try to be open to Holy Spirit, He will lead/guide you. 5) Finally, I am sure Holy Spirit will lead you to answers in the question of marriage/other related issues & Holy Spirit may even have you CHANGE some of these answers in the future. Why? He teaches you according to your personal faith/maturity level. Before, He teaches you some greater understanding of the truth, He may teach you some basic understanding of the truth. Then, He may take you higher & higher in the understanding of the truth. We are always in a growing and maturing process of understanding TRUTH based on how Holy Spirit leads each one of us, individually. 6) My prayer is that, Holy Spirit will increase your personal anointing as you continue to study Scriptures in this matter. Pastor Paul Silway If this instruction from Holy Spirit has blessed you, kindly acknowledge & give it to someone. Be a blessing to others, for it is more blessed to give than to receive! The principle of success and prosperity in the scripture is GIVING/SHARING!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:34:16 +0000

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