Many share how God has not Forsaken them. I can testify to that - TopicsExpress


Many share how God has not Forsaken them. I can testify to that Bro. Tony has not had a job over a year. God has provided what we needed , not under and not over what we need, which brings to mind a scripture, the apostle Paul writes Phil 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want, for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Tony started his own Home Inspection Company a couple of months after losing his job. Eventually he had to search for a job because his business was not picking up. He was hired by a SOLAR Company it paid commissions. No mileage which cost more money to keep the job. He quit, a month later the CEO of the SOLAR Company called him and asked him to come back and offered to pay him mileage $400 hundred a week plus his 10-12% commissions of his sales. Bro.Tony took the job and still has his Home Inspection Company he works Mon-Sat. Praise God he provides and we stayed content, we kept calm, Not Wanting.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 04:09:21 +0000

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