Many times, I hear from people that want to start a fitness - TopicsExpress


Many times, I hear from people that want to start a fitness routine, but are afraid. Afraid of many things. the workout, what others will think, etc. Perhaps you, the reader, feels, or has felt, the same things. So here is an open letter to people that may feel that way, in the hopes that it will be helpful, and hopeful :) If what is written here, seems to apply to you, please drop me a private inbox or email, because Id like to talk to you, and help you take the next step, because you are worth it. I will name the person Sam, but your name does not have to be Sam, for this open letter to be aimed at you as well. haha :) There is no Sam. Just a name I am using for the purpose of this write up. Dear Sam, Thank you for your inquiry, and for taking the time to reach out, in the best interests of your own well-being. By doing so, you have already taken not just the first step in getting what you deserve, but you have also taken the first step in conquering your fears associated with starting a workout program. I know it can be difficult, and I congratulate you on coming this far. I appreciate your concerns. You are not in the best of shape, maybe even very poor shape. You are are afraid of the intensity of the workout, but more afraid, of the struggle in front of others. How am I going to look I will stand out....I get how those feelings can be at the forefront at the stage you are in right now. Many times, its our mental and emotional barriers, that stop us from over coming our physical barriers. Fear, anxiety, embarresment, are many times to blame for a persons lack of physical fitness. YOU have not failed at anything. YOU are not a failure. These insecurities you are feeling, are weaker than they pretend to be, and are the culprits holding you back. You are actually much bigger and stronger than them, but they dont want you to know that :) Over time as we dont do things, our brains tend to warp that, and change the definition to cant do things....but its false. It is that notion of cant that is stopping you. But, deep down inside, there is still a small part of you that knows the is what caused you to get in touch today, and it is what will grow, and grow, and grow, once you let it out of that cage it is currently trapped in, deep inside you :) Win is inside you, a part of you knows it, and its shining through right now. Now is the time to capitalize on win. Strike while the mind is paying attention to the notion. The notion, that you are worth it, that you deserve it, and most certainly CAN do it. The most powerful comfort, is built upon placing ourselves in uncomfortable situations first, and being able to SEE FOR OURSELVES, that we can indeed overcome!!! This is like steroids for win and again, it grows :) Each time win grows, insecurity, discomfort, fear, doubt, and anxiety go running for cover. This means those negative traits are getting their grip gets less and less. Now, you are changing. Can becomes the new leading thought :) High levels of self esteem, self respect, and self worth begin to consume you, as you have shown yourself without a doubt that you indeed CAN do what you need and want, and you have the track record of doing it, to prove it. Right now, you have already started the winning process by getting in touch. I will help you. You have reached out, and I got ya :) I will show you how to be in charge, and to win. I know the negative force of cant very well. I know all its fakes and weaknesses. Cant knows me well, and it fears me, as I kill it in every soldier that joins me in the war against obesity, heart disease, weakness, and self doubt. I already know you are tired of fighting this war, and are more than ready to win. The only question you need to answer, is when do we invade the enemy? Congratulations on taking a stand.....we are gonna open a big ol can of ass whoopin !!!! Lets get it done!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:27:46 +0000

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