Many times in my teachings, I refer to the quote of Christ in Mark - TopicsExpress


Many times in my teachings, I refer to the quote of Christ in Mark Chapter 8, Verse 18....:Having eyes , see ye not, and having ears, hear ye not? and do you not remember. I usually refer to this as To those that have eyes to see and ears to hear....What does Christ mean? What do I mean and to whom do I speak when using this biblical quote? I will explain...... ‘And Jesus perceiving it says to them, “Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not perceive, nor understand? Have you your heart hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They say to him, “Twelve”. “And when the seven among the four thousand , how many basketfuls of broken pieces did you take up?” And they say to him, “Seven”. And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?” ’ Jesus was clearly a little exasperated at their failure to think along spiritual lines. He could not think why they were so taken up with a shortage of physical bread when He had proved Himself able to be the provider of more than sufficient. Were they blind and deaf? Let them consider the twelve and seven baskets that were left over (He made them say the numbers) which had indicated sufficiency of spiritual provision for Israel and for the world. Did they really think then that He was concerned about their receiving physical bread (that is provision for their needs) from the Pharisees and Herod? No, what He had done with the loaves had symbolized spiritual provision as well as physical provision, provision for the hearts of men. Had they not realized then Who and What this showed Him to be, and what it demonstrated that He had come to do? Had they not recognized that His main aim had been to offer men spiritual food, and that that was what He was talking about, the need to avoid the wrong ‘spiritual food’? Did they not realize that he was referring to the danger of being misled by Pharisaic teaching with its resulting hypocrisy and Herodian teaching with its resulting worldliness. The problem was that their thoughts and their hearts were in the wrong place, and their minds taken up with the wrong things. He longed that they would recognize in Him the One Who was spiritually all-sufficient, and that they would think along spiritual lines, recognizing in Him the Bread of life and the true Coming One, the Great Physician Who had come to make men whole. So here we are emphatically reminded that in spite of all that they have seen they are still lacking in understanding. They are blind and deaf and even ‘hardened’. The word is strong. Their problem is not only one of obtuseness but one of an unwillingness to face the truth of what kind of Messiah He had come to be. It is no accident that this comes after the healing of the deaf and dumb man by uniquely special means, which had been intended to indicate men’s deafness, and comes before the healing of the blind man, also by special means, which will indicate men’s blindness. They too would need to be ‘healed’ before they could ‘hear’ and ‘see’. In a nutshell, to have eye to see and ears to hear, you must be born again, repented of sin, ambassadors for Christ and seeking to know the wisdom and knowledge of the scripture as provided by your Lord and perceived into your mind via of the Holy Spirit..... The same is true as when Jesus taught in parables, all were not to understand...As today, many do not and will not. It is only through, Christ, Jesus, that we attain the ability to have eyes to see and ears to hear. God Bless You All, Now and Forevermore......Pastor Eddie Green, Administrator of the group,New Testament Analysis........
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 21:02:46 +0000

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