Many times we see the world as a battlefield, however, Jesus tells - TopicsExpress


Many times we see the world as a battlefield, however, Jesus tells us that the world is a work field – “Then saith He unto His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.” (Matt.9:37-38) Religion has imprinted on society that we are in a battlefield, but JESUS HAD SAID that we are to work the harvest field, for the harvest is ready now. Our ancestors of the Bible had conquered all the land, the apostles had planted all the seeds, Jesus had purchased the land, now we are to reap the harvest… Are you ready to labor and bring the harvest to the trashing floor? Working the field: You have been called out of darkness into God’s Marvelous light. You have been equipped with God’s Word. You have been given a mandate to go (Matt.28:19) and work the field. Jesus had seen the treasures in the land and therefore had purchased the land with His own blood. Many of us are very committed and diligent in our work places, but we have been placed at that work place for a greater purpose. You might of been working for a long time at a certain place; even before you were born again. However, it was in God’s preordained plan for your life to work at a certain place – God had place you there for a reason even before the reason might of been revealed to you. What we need to seek out is God’s purpose for us being in a particular place. What is it that God wants you to do at your work place. God always has souls in sight. We are all placed in different places for one common reason – to reach souls for the Lord! How are you making an impact on your fellow colleagues? Are you sharing God’s Word with them? Are you praying with them and for them? Can they see Christ in your conduct and performance? The Lord might have asked you to do a specific thing there, or release a certain word to someone, have you done so? We spend most of our time at work, so that ought to be our biggest platform to reach souls for Jesus. That is the reason why you were placed there. Maybe you a student, house wife, self-employed, traveling a lot, etc… Whatever it might be, there is a reason why you at that place. God had set you up at that place to reach souls for Him. Let that be your first ministry before anything else. Most of the time it’s our lives that preaches louder than our mouths – let it be so then, but let people see Christ in you. Not everyone and not all bosses will like who and what you are, but never back down – be who God wants you to be – never minding the opposition! In Conclusion: The New Testament doesn’t tell us to be soldiers, rather it tells us that we are kings (1 Pet.2:9), the royal priesthood here we speak of our kingly heritage. Understanding that we are more than conquerors (Rom.8:37), called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light (1 Pet.2:9). Our biblical ancestors have battled and conquered to possess the land. It all started by the vision of Abram. Abram stood on one place and saw the whole world (Gen.13 & Jhn.8:56), and every other person after Abram, on Abram’s vision went about conquering the land until they possessed the entire world. When Jesus came, He saw treasure in the land (Matt.13:44); and Jesus purchased the land with His blood (Eph.1:7 & Is.53:5). The Apostles followed and planted seed; and now we are to reign over the land and work the field to get the harvest out. The battle is over in the New Testament,
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 21:00:50 +0000

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