Many years ago, I lost a very close friend. I was there to hear - TopicsExpress


Many years ago, I lost a very close friend. I was there to hear his last words, and witness his last moments of life. This was not a natural death, he was stabbed during a robbery, which probably made it harder for me to deal with mentally. I was a complete mess for months. This is an event that will be etched into my memory for life. During this very difficult time for me, the guy that I worked with everyday was losing his mother. The conversations that we had during this time will stay with me forever. He was very religious, and I wasnt. But, because I really liked this guy, and very much respected him as a person, I listened. And, he listened to me. He didnt push his beliefs onto me, but seemed to get his point across by explaining how he has got through very difficult times in his life. Just days later, his mother passed away. They were very close. I tried to imagine how much pain he must feel. I tried to imagine how I would deal with the passing of one of my parents. I lost a very good friend, and was a total basket case. I was drinking nearly everyday to kill the pain. Or, maybe just to carry on. Would I be able to deal with the pain of losing a parent? So, at work we talked as we did everyday. To my surprise, he seemed to be taking the loss of his mother pretty good. I just couldnt understand how. I told him that I cant imagine the pain he must feel, and I was sorry for his loss. He explained that it was ok, she is in a better place now. She had been sick, and in a lot of pain for a long time. Now, there was no more pain for her. Anyways, eventually, he would see her again. Everything was ok. It really was for him! I could see it in his eyes, I could hear it in the words that he spoke. He really did believe that his mother was in a better place, and they would see each other again. That gave him comfort during a very difficult time. His faith helped him function and carry on. I didnt grow up going to church, but I did have good parents with good values. Before this, I really didnt understand how important religion and faith can be for many people. His faith allowed him deal with his loss much better than I did with mine. I havent been able to find faith like his. I often wish that I could. LIFE AINT ALWAYS EASY! I have embraced many christian values, and try to be the best person that I can. But, I havent been able to find faith like his. Science causes some problems for me. I really do admire the strength that people seem to have during very terrible times when they have a true belief in something more. This is The United States of America. This is a free country! We have freedom of religion here! Any person can practice any religion they want! Or, not practice any religion at all. The phrase seperation of church and state isnt even in the constitution. The First Ammendment states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. No one has a right to prevent anyone from exercising their rights and living out their beliefs because they are offended by those rights or beliefs. Contrary to what some people believe, no person has a right NOT to be offended.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 19:47:11 +0000

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