MapleLeaks Archived MP of the - TopicsExpress


MapleLeaks Archived MP of the Month ========================== Wai Young May 2011This months MP of the Month is Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP, Wai Young. Young was chosen on the basis of how she conducted her campaign in the 2011 Canadian Federal General Election. Accusations include her endorsement by a man (Ripudaman Singh Malik) who stood trial in the Air India terror bombings, and violating the Elections Act. You can read more here regarding this story that was carried by all the national and local media outlets.Young claims ignorance about Mr. Ripudaman Singh Malik, stating that she was unaware of his history. Unaware of the history of the most infamous man in Canadian and British Columbian history? Really? Has Young been in a coma for the past 25 years? Or, is she just not credible as she brushes off any associations with this man who has admitted links to the Air India bombers? It is one or the other, unless she is just that plain ignorant of Canadian current events and history. Either way, are these the qualities that we look for in a politician to represent us? Are these the qualities that are a good fit for a party (Conservative Party of Canada) who claims to be on the side of justice, and law and order? Are these the qualities that we want in a politician as we fight the War on Terrorism? A war that has claimed hundreds of Canadian lives as fight the war in Afghanistan. A war that claimed hundreds of lives when the Air India flight was bombed by terrorists. I think not.Prime Minster Stephen Harper was quick to dismiss it, saying that Young apologized. An electoral win at any cost has always been the CPC mantra. It is unlikely that Young will ever be invited to the cabinet table since Harper would prefer to see her fade away into the woodwork. Harper only needs her vote to help preserve his absolute control. But, the victims of the Air India bombing will never forget. Neither will all other good Canadians who seek justice and security for Canada and all Canadians. This is the root of democracy, and something that Young (and Harper) have forgotten. To quote Rudyard Kipling, Lest we forget - lest we forget!. https://mapleleaks/
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 06:31:13 +0000

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