Mar 20th The Magician The life of the wanderer can be hard on - TopicsExpress


Mar 20th The Magician The life of the wanderer can be hard on ones tools and some repair work occasionally needs to be done. With courage and determination you journey into the heart of the mountain to see the forge lord. The sounds of a hammer falling reverberate through out the caves and tunnels. Rounding a bend, in one of the longer tunnels, the immense forge comes into view and we see its master, body tense with concentration, bent over the great anvil working on a piece. He does not turn his head but somehow knows you are there. he beckons you over. No words pass but he lets you know that he will be with you shortly. there is some urgency to his motions and you find a place to sit out of the way and watch. The forge lord takes the metal from the fire lays it across his anvil and begins his work anew, each blow of the hammer sounding through the cave like a choir blessing. With a few lite taps he stops and turns a lever, a vent opens and fresh air and moonlight pours in. With one strong hand he takes some mysterious powder out of a pouch and very carefully sprinkles it over the piece of white hot metal then begins his hammering anew. A soft light seems to start from deep within the metal that seems to increase in intensity with each blow. His work is relentless, his timing is perfect. Finally the hammer stops and he beckons you over. You step up to the anvil in time to see him sprinkle some water over the piece while muttering strange words. The metal has taken on the shape of a sword but it has the appearance of being made from glass not metal. With laughter and deep wisdom in his eyes he tells you to pick it up and try it out. As you touch the sword you first notice that it is not hot, not even warm to the touch. You also note how lite it feels. The forge lord points to a large rock and with faith in a masters work you take a swing, the sword goes through like the rock was made of paper, the blade does not shatter nor is there a single mark on it. You hand the sword back, Now what can I do for you little one? he asks, you notice that each word was spoken clearly with great authority and purpose and you quickly explain your situation. I will make you a deal, running the forge takes a great amount of my time and concentration, as a result I am not able to keep up with some of the more basic chores around here. If you are willing to do those for me, I shall reforge your items, I shall even improve upon them. What say you? The magician is a master of his craft. He knows every tool in his possession, and he uses them with well practiced familiarity. However our magician tends to have a one tracked mind and can forget that the outside world exists when he is in the midst of a project. The magician is also a bit of a showman and likes to have an audience (though he wont always admit it.) - Nothing is as bad as it seems, if it aint broke dont fix it, and dont borrow trouble. - Use your talents or risk losing them. - Changing ones way of thinking can and will change ones reality. - Dont accept excuses from yourself or others. - A good idea to bring internal conflict out into the open to avoid a 3 of swords moment later on. - Avoid perfectionism and stop over analyzing things. - The only wisdom found here comes from trial and error so do not be afraid to take the risk. - Be extremely careful about how you use your powers of persuasion, there is a fine line between salesman and conman and people will listen. - Use diplomacy when dealing with family. - Over emotionalism and dependency tendencies are likely, approach things with a need for self control firmly in mind. - When you leave work, LEAVE WORK! do not take your job stress home with you. - What you need is right there stop worrying and look for it. shadowscapes/picts_images/25.jpg
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:58:58 +0000

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