March 14th 2014 Update on Mindy Well I wish - TopicsExpress


March 14th 2014 Update on Mindy Well I wish this was good news, but I know when someone is dying, eventually the news starts to get worse. This happened to Mindy at the beginning of this month when she found a lump under her arm. This is most likely in her lymph nodes. Mindy went back and forth for about a week trying to figure out if it was really there or if her brain cancer was making her imagine it. She then shared it with her husband who verified what she had feared, that it was in fact really there. Mindy then shared this with us. She had several things in mind as a plan for combating this new development. First she was adding a Body MRI on the 28th to her brain MRI, but after talking to her neuro-oncologist she learned they can’t do a MRI in that area because it won’t do any good. The doctor’s solution was Mindy needed a CT scan, but Mindy refused because of how much radiation was in a CT scan. Little medical lesson, for every CT scan you are basically putting 500 x-rays worth of radiation in your body. CT scans also are known to cause cancer, so if you have cancer you are increasing your chances of it spreading faster. Mindy’s next step was to consider a biopsy, but yesterday when she was doing some research on a Medical Doctor site, she read “ there is no point in removing lymph nodes when there is already cancer somewhere else in the body because lymph node biopsy fluid can cause cancer to spread. Wow that was discouraging, because it was her last option at fighting this medically, so she is going to continue to fight it naturally. She is still planning on having the MRI on March 28th on her brain, so she can find out if the cancer is growing, but she is having several symptoms now. As of the 5th she has stopped driving because off on she sees a white tree in her right eye as well as a film that forms over her eye. She also has symptoms that are consistent, she feels her eyes are crossed even though they aren’t, and she says she can tell her depth perception is changing. (when she was reading the bible the other day the red letters were all in 3-D) The worst symptom by far though is something we have named “Body Sickness.” This is where she gets hot and sometimes dizzy and very weak. She has to lie down immediately. On Wed. she said this symptom was so bad she felt like death was at her doorstep. The next day she was better but today she felt that same sensation. We know that with her finding this lump and with all of these new symptoms, that there is a very good chance that her life expectancy has gone way down. We will never know if the lump is cancer, but we do know that Mom’s oncologist said that when there is cancer in the body there is an 80 to 90 percent chance that anything else that happens is most likely cancer. If this is true and it is in her lymph nodes, from everything I know it will spread fast. We are 5 months into this and it seems to be moving fast already. There are a lot of unknowns but we know we are grateful for everyday we have with her. God knows Mindy’s expiration date just like He knows each of ours, and He will take her when he is ready, but until then enjoy her as much as you can, and know she is living everyday to the fullest. Prayers: Dad and I- Processing this “new normal” and being there for Mindy and her family anyway we can. Rob- Figuring out how to learn all the things he has to learn to take over, processing losing his wife and becoming a single parent, and figuring out what is the best treatment options for Mindy in the future. Mindy-learning to live with her “new normal”, helping Rob and the girls prepare for the future, God’s healing of her body, her symptoms to go away, and her faith to help her endure everything that is to come. Girls-Help in processing all of this and freedom from nightmares of their mother dying. (which have now started) Praise: Mindy still has no pain. Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Romans 13:20-21
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:17:01 +0000

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