March 22, 2014 After I ate dinner which consisted of pigs in a - TopicsExpress


March 22, 2014 After I ate dinner which consisted of pigs in a blanket and mashed potatoes, I read how we should treat our bodies. Boy, did I start out wrong!! Anyway, it is interesting and I am going to try and follow the diet that I have and stick to it this time. I have started it twice; third times a charm, right? Lol We are to take good care of our bodies… what we eat and drink matters! What we say and do matters! What we think matters! What we put in and on our bodies, matters! Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God! In the beginning, God created the garden. He created every plant for seed bearing fruit. “Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” (Genesis 1:29) With all of the wonderful food choices we have today, do you ever wonder why God put fruits and vegetables in the garden versus french fries, candy bars, soda, and the like? Maybe I am on an island here for thinking that way, but surely God, creator of all, the Alpha and the Omega, knows all and knows how He created us and what is best for our bodies. Everything God created in the beginning was in its purest, rawest, most natural form. Today, we rarely eat and drink from His original design. His creation, His very best! We all know the health benefits of eating raw fruits and vegetables and the health risks of eating fried foods, highly processed foods, and drinking soda. So… why do we make these poor health choices? Why do we not glorify our bodies and give God our best? I struggle, just like anyone else. I am seeing more and more of His desire and best for us and I do want to please and glorify Him in everything I do. I believe this will host His temple well and create a habitation for our King to dwell. Besides that, you will live a longer, healthier, happier life. I know we all want to enjoy life and live it to the full, right?! (isn’t that what Jesus desires too? “He came to give life and life in abundance”). Making healthy food choices, exercising our temple both physically and mentally will help create that abundant life.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:50:31 +0000

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