Marching peacefully and protesting peacefully is NOT civil - TopicsExpress


Marching peacefully and protesting peacefully is NOT civil disobedience. It is lawful exercise of free speech and is a First Amendment right. It is a legally protected activity and any attempt by police or any other government authority to interfere with it is ILLEGAL. Yesterdays march was a legal nonviolent march with marshalls, permits, prior notice to police agencies, etc. Anyone who acted violently was not representative of the whole 50 or 60 thousand people there. You do not have to like what they were marching for. But you do not get to bar them from marching or exercising free speech. Vandalism/destruction of property is NOT civil disobedience. Vandalism, destruction of property, looting etc. are CRIMES. People who engage in crimes are not protestors. When you go to a town and a guy is setting a fire, robbing a store, or smashing stuff you ARREST HIM. The rest of the people standing peacefully with signs and the guys with the press passes taking photos you LEAVE ALONE because they are not committing a crime. Blocking traffic etc. is NOT civil disobedience it is DIRECT ACTION. Direct action was used by Dr. KING and Ghandhi. It is a strategy meant to serve a purpose. For guidance refer to Dr. Kings Letter from a Birmingham Jail from 1963. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE is when there is an unjust law or illegal order which you refuse to follow. For example a law that says Black people cannot be served at a lunch counter or ride a Greyhound bus alongside Whites. The students refused to obey....they sat at the lunch counter. They broke the law because it was unjust. The Freedom Riders got on the bus together. They broke the law because it was unjust. Rosa Parks refused to get out of her seat. She broke the law because it was unjust. Dr. King was arrested because a law was passed saying Blacks could not march. He marched and broke the law because it was unjust. Civil disobedience is nonviolent and I would not have most of what I have today had it not been used. Engaging in civil disobedience means you accept the consequences. You accept the arrest. You refuse bail. You do the time. You take the beating to show the whole world how violent the conditions you are being subjected to truly are. Now that it is clear what the difference between a protestor and a looter is, and what the difference between a crime, a direct action, and an act of civil disobedience is let me once again fot the two millionth time repeat. I REFUSE TO LIVE IN A POLICE STATE. IT IS NOT RIGHT AND IT IS NOT WHAT MY FAMILY FOUGHT WARS FOR THIS COUNTRY FOR. I REFUSE TO CONTINUE TO STOMACH WRONGDOING. WE SHOULD RESPECT POLICE. BUT POLICE WHO DO WRONG MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE INSTEAD OF CONTINUING TO BE PROTECTED IF PUBLIC TRUST IS TO BE RESTORED. LACK OF PUBLIC TRUST HARMS EVERYONE. I AM NOT A CRIMINAL NOR DO I SUPPORT CRIMINALITY. I HAVE A LONG HISTORY OF WORKING WITH YOUTH AND OTHERS ON ANTIVIOLENCE AND ON REDUCING CRIME IN SOME OF THE MOST DANGEROUS AREAS OF THIS CITY. MY GODMOTHER WORKED SIDE BY SIDE WITH HER PRECINCT FOR DECADES RIDDING THE AREA OF DRUG DEALERS AND HER DAUGHTER IS DEAD. UNNECESSARILY AND ILLEGALLY KILLED BY THE PEOPLE SHE WORKED SIDE BY SIDE WITH TO IMPROVE BROOKLYN. SO BEFORE YOU JUDGE GET YOUR CRAP STRAIGHT. LEARN WHO YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT INSTEAD OF ASSUMING THINGS BASED ON STEREOTYPES. ASK INSTEAD OF IMMEDIATELY ATTACKING. DO NOT JUSTIFY DEATHS WITH BLACK ON BLACK CRIME STATS. I DO NOT CONDONE BLACK ON BLACK CRIME. BUT ONE MANS CRIME DOES NOT CONDONE OR JUSTIFY A MAN IN UNIFORMS CRIME. YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR CRIME AND HOLD YOUR CREW ACCOUNTABLE AND I WILL CONTINUE TO DO THE SAME WITH MINE....AS I HAVE BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS. I DO NOT HATE POLICE NOR AM I ANTI COP. I DO NOT HATE WHITES. I DO HOWEVER HATE INJUSTICE AND WHEN I SEE INJUSTICE I WILL NOT BACK DOWN FROM SAYING IT IS UNACCEPTABLE AND WORKING TO STOP OR CHANGE IT. IT IS MY DUTY AS A GOD FEARING PERSON TO RESPOND APPROPRIATELY TO INJUSTICE. NO MATTER WHO THE ONES ARE ENGAGING IN IT. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT GET THAT, NEEDS TO RE READ THEIR HOLY BOOK. I DO NOT PROMOTE VIOLENCE. THEREFORE, I DO NOT AND CANNOT ANSWER FOR OTHERS WHO DO PROMOTE IT. IF OTHERS ARE VIOLENT GO AND DEAL WITH SUCH PEOPLE ACCORDINGLY. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH PEOPLE AS I DID NOT ENCOURAGE THEM TO ENGAGE IN SUCH BEHAVIOR. I UNDERSTAND THEIR ANGER BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I CONDONE THEIR DECISION TO USE VIOLENCE OR MISDIRECTED ANGER TOWARDS ANYONE. IF YOU WISH TO DISCUSS ISSUES OR COME UP WITH SOLUTIONS WE CAN DO THAT. IN FACT PEOPLE IN THIS MOVEMENT HAVE A NICE LONG LIST OF SOLUTIONS, WHEN EVERYONE IS DONE BASHING AND STEREOTYPING EVERYONE ELSE MAYBE THE B.S. CAN STOP LONG ENOUGH FOR THE DISCUSSION ON SOLUTIONS TO OCCUR. BUT IF YOU COME TO ACCUSE ME OF THINGS THAT I AM NOT INVOLVED IN, ATTACK MY CHARACTER, HARASS MY FAMILY, THREATEN ME OR SPOUT OFF PROPAGANDA OR MEDIA HYPE THAT IS NOT BASED IN ANY FACT, THEN DO NOT BOTHER. I HAVE NO TIME. I AM BUSY FIGHTING INJUSTICE COMFORTING WAILING MOMS AND KEEPING MY NATION FROM BECOMING A POLICE STATE. I am not sure how much plainer I can be. #getaclueoradictionary
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 08:36:46 +0000

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