Mariano Bender Marcelo Vader encontre algo gracioso: George - TopicsExpress


Mariano Bender Marcelo Vader encontre algo gracioso: George Prime Facts 1. Guns swords, knives, needles, wands, scepters, bostaves, nunchaku dont kill people , Georg Prime Kills people. 2. There is no theory of evolution , just animals that Georg Prime allows to live. 3. Georg Prime only has two speeds walk and kill. 4. The leading causes of death in suikoden are: 1. War; 2. George Prime; 3. True runes going out of control 5. Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, but Georg Prime beats all 3 at the same time. 6. Georg Prime hasnt ever been in a fight , only if you call a fight a deathblow. 7. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day , give a man anything better then that and Georg Prime will kill him and take it. 8. Everybody loves Tir Mcdohl....except Georg Prime. 9. Some people wear superhero pajamas , super heroes wear Georg Prime pajamas. 10. When Georg Prime does a pushup he isnt lifting himself up hes pushing the earth down. 11. There are no races in suikoden , just people Georg Prime has beaten into different shades of black and blue. 12. When Georg Prime talks everyone listens. 13. Georg Prime sleeps with a pillow... UNDER his sword. 14. Aliens do exist , but they rather not come down because of Georg Prime. 15. Georg Prime is recruitable after Luca Blights death. Why? Because Georg Prime wouldnt NEED 17 people to back him up. 16. Yknow the secret ingredient to that Raging Nostrum drug Nether Gate assassins take? One drop of Georg Primes blood. 17. Lucs original plan to destroy the true wind rune was to ask Georg Prime to do it. 18. Georg Primes only fear is having to duel his exact copy. 19. What REALLY shattered Shield and dulled Sword? Georg Prime. 20. Georg Primes tears can cure all diseases. Too bad hes never cried. (All right, this one IS a Chuck Norris fact) 21. Georg Prime once held the Rune of Punishment. Every time he cast a spell, the Rune took damage. 22. According to a leak in Konami: In Suikoden VI, you wont need 108 stars to get the best ending. You just need Georg Prime. 23. The reason for the PS3s delay is that the development staff hired Georg Prime to be 100% sure it would surpass the Xbox 360. The whole staff went missing the other day. 24. Why did Shula stay calmly in Estrise like a good boy? Georg Prime was around 6000 miles away. 25. Why is there gold dust in the Lunas River? Georg Prime pissed in it once. 26. The Boost Rune is made from solidified Georg Prime saliva. 27. Georg Prime wears the Corruption Shell and the Saints Cloak at the same time. 28. Georg Prime once tried to enter the Sacred games, but all the other participants quit. He later came back with a brown wig claiming his name was Ferid. 29. Attack beats Guard, Guard beats Special, Special beats Attacks. Georg Primes Look beats all three and creates a True Rune in the process. 30. The Blue Moon Runes bearer actually turns into Georg Prime and goes into a deathblow frenzy until he can master the rune (forever). 31. The reason Sialeeds and Gizel broke up is that Sialeeds lost all interest in Gizel the first time she saw Georg Prime. 32. Georg Prime once tried to deathblow someone so quick his sword went back in time and annihilated 90% of the Sindar race. 33. Georg Prime wears a patch over one eye because if he stares at you with both eyes your head will explode. 34. Georg Prime has a son, the name is Optimus. 35. Georg Prime can stop any second of time, because he is Prime. 36. Georg Prime is better than Chuck Norris? Why? Because Chuck Norris is Georg Prime in disguises. 37. Georg Prime only has one command in duels: Deathblow. It overcomes all other commands 38. No one believes the lone gunman theory, unless, of course, the lone gunman was Georg Prime. 39. Georg Primes best bowling score: 301. 40. WARNING: Do not attempt to hack Georg Prime into the final party. Your Gameshark, Playstation, television and all other personal possessions will be incinerated. 41. Square Enix has to pay Georg Prime tribute every time Auron shows his face. 42. Speaking of Square Enix, why do you think George Primes sword is named Cloud? 43. Georg Prime told Killey to get back in his cell; Killey complied. 44. “Prime” isnt his name, its his title. 45. Frodo Baggins once gave the ring to Georg Prime and the ring shattered. 46. Georg Primes taxes arent due until Sunday. Of course, he only pays his taxes out of courtesy. 47. And eclipse occurs every time Sierra stands behind Georg Prime. 48. If Georg Prime were President there would have been WMDs in Iraq: Georg Prime. 49. Geddoe wears an eye patch because Gerog Prime said so. 50. Georg Prime can stop a bullet AND tell it to go back into the gun. 51. Georg Prime once held the Black Sword rune, but the Bright Shield rune couldnt find anyone brave enough to hold it. 52. Georg Primes manliness makes Gordius look like a fall fashion show. 53. Georg Prime once drew out his sword so fast, it caused a tornado. 54. The Soul Eater doesnt take Georg Primes soul, Georg Primes soul takes the Soul Eater. 55. Georg Prime survived the True Fire Rune going berserk. How? The flames were too afraid to burn him. 56. Leon Silverberg is always three steps ahead of you, but Georg Prime is always right behind you...With his sword drawn. 57. Did you know why Leknaat blinds? Because she wanted Georgs cheesecake while he was eating it... 58. String theory says that there are infinite possibilities that exist within an infinite amount of realities. In all of them Georg Prime still kicks butt. 59. If Medusa were to look directly at Georg Prime she would turn to stone 60. If you cut a chunk out of Georg Prime, another Georg Prime grows out of it. 61. If you take a number and divide it by zero, the result is Chuck Norris. If you divide Chuck Norris by zero, the result is GEORG PRIME!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 02:39:05 +0000

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