Marina High School, Huntington Beach, Orange County, California - TopicsExpress


Marina High School, Huntington Beach, Orange County, California has set a precedent by crowning a 16-year old transgender student, Cassidy Lynn Campbell, as their homecoming queen. Although the teen was born a male, he has always felt like a girl. He has expressed this even though his mother is a born-again Christian. Campbell thinks that the school crowned him homecoming queen in recognition of the girl he always felt he was. After the crowning ceremony on Friday, Campbell said that he was doing this for the kids who can’t be themselves. He added that he thinks it shows that the times are progressing towards acceptance of different genders. Campbell went on to say, “I’m so proud to win this, not just for me but for everyone out there and for every kid – transgender, gay, straight, black, white, Mexican, Asian. It doesn’t matter, you can be yourself.” Although Campbell’s mother doesn’t agree with her son’s beliefs because she is a born-again Christian, she has decided to accept her son for who he is. She added that she thinks that love is letting her son be who he wants to be, even if it goes against her religion. Paul Morrow, principal of Marina High School, said that if the school hits the media with the news of Campbell’s crowning, then they are proud of the message that this will convey. He adds that the school is one of equality and individual respect. Campbell reportedly ordered and started taking hormone blockers, without consulting a doctor or family member, from an online source. He has now posted videos on YouTube giving makeup tips and lessons in self-injecting estrogen. He was one of five finalists for the position of the homecoming queen. Campbell said that he was often confused when his mother wanted to cut his hair because he already felt like he was a girl. He added that he couldn’t understand why, when he wanted to wear dresses and skirts, his mother would make him wear shorts and shirts.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:29:55 +0000

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