Mario Gandolfo A call out and a few words to ISIS...on this - TopicsExpress


Mario Gandolfo A call out and a few words to ISIS...on this remembrance day of 911.....WARNING..STRONG IMPASSIONED LANGUAGE.....My apologies for the language but my emotions were running strong..I speak only for myself concerning the U.S. Government but know many share my same attitude and feelings about where this country is headed...I WILL fight for my freedom here on my OWN U.S. soil..I will NOT fight on any foreign soil where the United States Government is the Aggressor for reasons of their OWN making, NOT for reasons of freedom or liberty, but for reasons of greed, corruption and to feed the war machine...if you have a problem with this please delete me now...I will fight this rogue and out of control corrupt U.S. Government with every thread of FREE fiber in my body, it is THEY the U,S, Government who have started the last 5 wars through their own acts of aggression costing OUR innocent fellow Americans millions of their lives...You should NOT be mad at the Taliban, you should not be mad at ISIS, you should not be mad at Al-Qaeda for it is the U,S, Government through their acts of barbarous aggression that have awakened hatred and death in these peoples not WE THE PEOPLE. It is the U.S. Government who have caused most of the known world to hate us the American citizens as a murdering butchering people...WE in their eyes are the barbarians..I stand by my known and TRUE beliefs... I have been getting a lot of negative in boxes and comments saying stuff like Yea its just a scarecrow but what if you are FACED WITH THE REAL THING ?? Well let me tell you this, the AMERICAN people of this country did NOT bring this fight to them, our so called corrupt Government did, not WE the people, THEY are responsible for the terrorist attacks on our own countryman NOT us, I do NOT stand with the Government on ANY foreign invasions and as such will defend MY country on UNITED STATES SOIL with those constituents who STILL believe in this great country for what it is, THE LAND OF THE FREE and if it comes down to it there will be blood spilt by my gun, my sword or my hand..You all doubt what you want but my way of life will NOT be compromised by cowards doing atrocious and cowardly acts of murder....and for what its worth I am a political independent grass roots American, I serve neither Democrat nor Republican..
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:38:52 +0000

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