Marli Carver nominated me to list 10 books that influenced or made - TopicsExpress


Marli Carver nominated me to list 10 books that influenced or made an impression on my life. After much thought, here is my varied but honest list: 1. Our Bodies, Ourselves (Boston Womens Health Collective) 2. Slaughter House Five (Kurt Vonnegut) 3. Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach) 4. The Hand-maids Tale (Margaret Atwood) 5. Pet Cemetery (Stephen King) 6. The Road Less Traveled (M. Scott Peck) 7. The Old Man And The Sea (Ernest Hemmingway) 8. A Prayer For Owen Meany (John Irving) 9. Joy Of Cooking (I. Rombauer, M. Becker, E. Becker) 10. Winnie The Pooh (A. A. Milne) I now nominate two of the greatest book lovers I know, Susan Mills Rana & Matthew T. Bradley. I cant wait to see their lists!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 03:00:35 +0000

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