Marriage Anew Moment: I have talked to many who are on the verge - TopicsExpress


Marriage Anew Moment: I have talked to many who are on the verge of divorce and the one common thing I see is this...those who have already made up their mind to leave will find and exit...even if God is telling them to stay....Its just like being shot with a bullet...the body prepares away for an exit because it doesnt want that foreign object in it...and it doesnt know how to process that which has invaded it... so it seeks to eliminate it by any means it is in our marriages...when we have been shot with disappointment, hurt and frustration time and time again we seek to create an exit wound by any means necessary. Our encouragement for you today is this...dont look for the exit...look to Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith...He has a plan and its a good plan...and though the shots have been fired He can make an exit without destroying your union. Father we pray for every marriage that reads this post. Help us to see each other from Your prospect...remove the foreign object that has come in us from past hurts, disappointments and frustration. Create in us a clean heart...a heart that is willing to lay aside our differences and forgive so that You can begin a healing process in both of us...move by Your Spirit...eradicate divorce out of our us how to stand strong in You and with each other through all of our struggles...let us not deal selfishly and seek instant gratification for our flesh through divorce that can bring costly devastation in the long run...strengthen our mind...teach us to love one another as You love us...sacrificially and unconditionally in Jesus name amen! Blessings Team Patterson
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:33:02 +0000

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