Marriage traditions when the Pharaohs The husband in the - TopicsExpress


Marriage traditions when the Pharaohs The husband in the marriage contract is divided and Pharaoh gods on a certain measure of silver grains play as dowry to his bride ( Friendship provider ) and the specified value is paid after her marriage vows was Bafaaúh multiple obligations to his wife. Did not reach us documents or inscriptions show rituals and customs of marriage explicitly , but we can put lines General to the traditions of marriage in ancient Egypt , either the age of marriage was mostly a 15 -year-old young man and 12 for a girl and the young man asked the father of his sweetheart to marry her them and often are denied the request of by the father where she was the argument that at the time of marriage has not yet come , It is strange that Egyptian society was socially tolerant on the issue of marriage may marry the prince of one of his maid has been married Princess noble of her father, and there is nothing wrong server there were no social knot on this issue , but the continuation of the marriage was based on cultural compatibility between the two families , I always was of Egyptian women married to Egyptian like her because social culture at this time they involve a great deal of nationalism and narcissism as the Egyptians consider themselves of the nobility while the rest of the peoples They were for them shepherds do not reach this level of sophistication is evident this is to reject Amenhotep III asked the Babylonian king ( Kadshman Enlil I) said that her husband of princess Egyptian saying, I have never sent a princess to any foreigner before, while the marriage of the Egyptian foreign was allowed and this is reflected in the marriage of Amenhotep III of Ahiloikhyeea Almitanih addition to dozens of slaves and girls Al_husnawt of who were are sent to him as a gift by the princes of Syria and Rameses II, who had a wife Hatheih , This was a period granted in order to enable the couple to test both of them to the other natures ( like an engagement ) and was stretching for the year in the most part , And the marriage was not in the temple and a priest of Amun documenting the marriage contract (similar authorized to have ), that this classroom religious have begun to disappear in the era of the family of 29 and was a party to a marriage contract are the groom and the father of the bride that it has changed since the seventh century BC . AD where women were allowed to attend her marriage contract , especially married before , The witnesses sign the marriage contract and see in the marriage contract is good that three witnesses they author priest and head of a stable and in some cases exceeds the number of witnesses to 16 The pair was divided in the marriage contract and the gods Fronh a certain measure of silver grains play as dowry to his bride ( Friendship provider ) The value specified is paid after her marriage vows was Bafaaúh multiple obligations to his wife , it was reported in one of the contracts The pair pledged amount of oil to his wife and amount of wheat that gives A monthly stipend for the management of home affairs and special adornments money each year and pledged that the annual ranking Accessories his wife differs from the monthly salary for the management of the house , This money was shared between the couple where the man provides two - thirds of the money and the advancement of women one-third of the money if he died , one went his heirs and really became the last to enjoy his share , The bride was made home furniture ( the device) and her family insists on writing a list of all her furniture and tools and ornaments and wigs , necklaces and anklets (similar to the idea of the menu in the present age ), The divorce was permissible in case of impossibility life between the two parties and infallibility was in the hands of the man where he is based on the order of divorce The formula for divorce is I Hagartak wife and me , and I Avariqk Li is not a requirement at all , and tell you it solves you to Ttakzy for yourself pairs last whenever you want . Says Dr . Sayed Karim author of Encyclopedia of puzzle civilization Egyptian still adheres Avadath and traditions that he inherited from his ancestors ancient , and perhaps marry the most prominent of these habits have not changed , Egyptians first peoples of the world know to marry where they put him terms , marriage is starts Bdblh engagement which is found in the legislation of the ancient Egyptians, and they were they call it ring -Baathification and because we do not have the first nor the last , and this means time ten and sincerity, and were made of gold, were Aldblh placed in the right hand - just as is happening now - and after marriage movement of the left hand , and in this follow the teachings of God, as the master of fate and destiny - in the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians . Was also a couple old carrying out decorating the wedding hall, and the most important thing used to decorate the hall is the blossom jasmine, which Balfrona Eliassmon , because it is in their belief blossom paradise and smell the fragrance of Paradise , and it was called the place that sits where the couple Alkwoh , The development of this now name became Alkoha . The commandments of the wise men to take care of the wife Said Ptah Hotep If you are wise for yourself Dara , and love your wife loving , and Atha her food and provided the clothes and gave her perfume her chest as she lived , and beware of conflict with them, and do not be rude not thick heart, Fballen able to own her heart, and I am always on the well-being , to endure Cefaak and relate to your happiness Hakim said Annie does not represent the presidents role with your wife , and divided them in the backyard , if realized validity do not ask for something where the position that had been placed in the right place , open your eyes and you are silent aware of the virtues , and if you wish to Tsaadha so let your hand with them to help them , and learn how to prevent the causes of dissension in the home , as to create a conflict at home , and every man who is able to avoid provoking discord in his home if control quickly at the same tendencies Brothers marriage Although from Auxerre marriage of his sister Isis (In the legend known ) and six of his sister grew erosion and the spread of this kind of marriage between the Kings but it has not spread among members of the middle class or lower is true that marriage pharaoh of his sister was the norm Egyptian confirms the purity of the blood of the new crown prince and clarity of his divinity , but that this was not an impact among the popular classes in that time where that Cambyses when he asked Cambyses judges passport royalists man marriage of his sister They answered in the negative with the leave that to him as king , but there is what makes us say that the girl from the marriage of her uncle was permitted Valmdauh the PACT Amon photographed sitting in a Necropolis beside her uncle she sat him as wife sitting next to her husband , Polygamy Polygamy was widespread among the peoples of the Arabs and the Jews and also spread among the ancient Egyptians to some degree, where the spread between the Pharaohs and kings more where he married Rameses II several wives was Ochehrhen Nefertari and married Khufu more than one and the Amenhotep III has filled his palace Paljoary belles and has had more than wife where married to TV and Ahiloikhyeea Almitanih and Prince (once Ra) , who was married six wives and Tuthmosis II, who married Hatshepsut and Izza ( or Thutmose III ), but at the level of classes middle and lower do not find this command a significant impact , and this is because of economic conditions and this despite passport command for every citizen. Wives Mtsamhat ! We talked inscriptions for wives Mtsamhat in scenes funny as portrayed an old man despaired of fruitless Voouht for her husband to marry a maid to him and when she gave birth maid took old sons and adopted and allocated them a share of the wealth and photographed again with sons Dharaúrha five They enjoy Bmphatn different life , and the amino It is a noble Central State were his two wives ( Hanot ) and ( grew ) first as daughters grew and second Ssmt her daughters as Hanot . And do not forget that the Egyptian civilization did not forget in their various womens issues , and through the centuries passed a lot of laws governing the role and put it legitimate in the community and most importantly they involve the marriage contract and the laws contain rights of spouses before each and Mttlebatthma and the issue of inheritance after divorce . The marriage contract was demanding parties loyalty and respect , and gives to women in case of divorce for no reason right to take her belongings that brought them to the house of her husband on the wedding night , and in the case of divorce by mutual consent or for a specific reason was of Egyptian women have the right to one-third of marital property . But it is clear that the Egyptians divorce was something unloved and rarely or a little bit what s going on . The most beautiful and thinner evidence on the role of women is important in the life of every Egyptian man , whether king or peasant was strict adherence to tradition was buried beside the wives of men in the same tomb, just as the ancient Egyptians say : The couple are partners in life and not separated until death but remain lovers in the afterlife . With greetings #محمود المحزم
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:51:47 +0000

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