Marriage vows these days has deviated from the way it usually is. - TopicsExpress


Marriage vows these days has deviated from the way it usually is. Those vows can sometimes be scary, depending on which church you attend. A standard marital vow in church reads something like this: “I, ___, take you, ___, to be my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part. according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith/myself to you.” The scary parts are obvious, the hard part is forever – till death do us part. The major problem is a religious one – people don’t take marital vows as seriously as they should because they don’t take God seriously. If one would not violate the terms of a legal document stamped and signed by a judge or notary public, one shouldn’t violate a vow made in front of a crowd of witnesses for God. Ironically, it is the ‘till death do us part’ that gives most marriage the strength to go all the way, through thick and thin. It’s easy (for some of us) to walk away from a relationship even after many years but with marriage, you’ve got to stick in there and work through any difficulties you may face. You see those rings people exchange when they say those words up there? Some have likened it to the smallest handcuff or chains if you like. Marriage is a vow and the point must be made. A vow to be faithful to one another through all of life’s changing scenes. It may restrain you from so much else but there is also a good part: not only are you stuck with someone else but someone else is stuck with you too. You have an ally; a partner, a confidante, a comrade, a colleague, a friend. Someone you can trust to stay with you no matter what happens. Someone who can watch you throw up all over yourself and who will clean you up and still leave you, because they expect you can and will do the same for them. In whose presence you can fart and only get a playful spank because they know your decent sides as well. (and if you can’t fart in front of your spouse, can I suggest you’re in the wrong marriage?) I guess we’re all blind to the future and the best one can hope for is to take the step when the times comes, say ‘I do’ and give it your best shot.I don’t think great marriages are made in heaven – they just require a great deal of commitment, truth and enough laughs to keep you going when things get cranky Have a great new weekend
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 21:23:41 +0000

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