Marsha Chepely SBC Before and After. I normally stay to myself - TopicsExpress


Marsha Chepely SBC Before and After. I normally stay to myself and dont post but I wanted to share this with you guys because Im super excited. Its long so forgive me! Also any types forgive me again Im super tired! Also the picture isnt to share I just wanted to show what I showed my Dr. I do not have this photo out yet because Im only a couple weeks in my 2nd 90 day challenge. Im down 7 more pounds since my first 90 day challenge in this picture! Just got pack from my Dr hes a late nighter actually got out at 1245.. But Anyway I havent seen him since I started taking my Skinny Fiber and I took my Before and After pictures with me! Well I smacked that bad baby down. He picked it up and got so excited and asked If he could keep it to show others and asked so many questions! I gave him a stack of my business cards and a brochure I only had two that came with my orders. We talked for over an hour and a half! I took two flyers I printed out mainly to show him and hope he would allow me to put it on his bulletin board. He was sold on Skinny Fiber the minute I showed him my before and After and the fact my blood pressure was down by a lot and that I told him my IBS is no longer there. Before I could even get out all the other great stuff he asked how it could be ordered so he could write his other patients scripts! And thats when I slapped out my business cards and said just give them mine! Then he told me to please let him have the other flyer to hang up on the same bulletin board I was wanting to ask him to hang it on then asked for more brochures!!! Sadly I said I didnt have any but would gladly order more and bring them the minute I get them! he took me off most of my meds and said he will leave me on the cholesterol pill until my blood work comes back and he will see what thats at but said he is betting its down where I can come off! My Dr made my night! Last year I was applying for disability and now I refuse to appeal my case because I feel I no longer need it! Im getting around like any normal 35 year old when just last year the arthritis in my spine had me down and out! Skinny Fiber has saved my life and my Dr is now going to recommend it to other patience because of the changes he has seen in me just after 3 1/2 months! And I purposely waited to go see him just so I could show him how well its worked for me! Sorry to rattle on it just means a lot to me my Dr didnt scold me for taking a Diet supplement! And I just had to share my excitement!the picture is the flyer I printed out and took him! What I didnt mention was there was a nurse there that he has worked with for over 46 years she is now retired and his patient and he told her to take my business cards and pass them out! She is 70 and looks no where close shes taking college courses to refresh herself and refuses to work for pay but still volunteers at hospitals! She asked him what he thought about it and he pulled out my flyer and said you see this from Oct to now THIS IS REALLY HER! Super excited! Night all!! I hope you have a Wonderful Tuesday!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:43:36 +0000

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