Martyn Jaques on Bully Boys and Der StruwwelPeter: - SHOCKHEADED - TopicsExpress


Martyn Jaques on Bully Boys and Der StruwwelPeter: - SHOCKHEADED PETER show was probably the most commercial thing we ever did. The directors were careful to keep an eye on what was acceptable. In the original children’s book, Der Struwwelpeter, there is a whole story about the Inky Boy, a boy who falls into a pot of ink and turns black then the other children pick on him. The directors thought this would cause a lot of controversy with a certain type of people – not unlike doing the Facebook page I realise. I put up an image recently, a really clever image, of a bowler hat with a Hitler moustache and haircut and it said “one made millions laugh and the other made millions cry”. Outrage! Absolute outrage! People were writing, complaining. There’s a whole group of people out there who seem to lack any sense of irony. So the directors were clever. They knew the Inky Boy story would cause that kind of controversy. It turned out really well because we changed it from Inky Boy to Bully Boy and it was one of the most successful songs in it, it really worked. But that’s the problem, I think as soon as you do anything where it touches on certain subjects you get punished for it. And it’s sad that these people…that you can’t use irony.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:03:59 +0000

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