Mass killings, war crimes and genocides directed against a - TopicsExpress


Mass killings, war crimes and genocides directed against a defenseless people who are deemed undesirable and expendable by occupiers and oppressors cannot continue for ever. Attempts at eliminating an entire people because of their race or ethnicity are bound to fail in the long run. A colonial settler state founded on the massacre and displacement of the native population and stealing their land and demolishing their homes and killing their children may go on for some time, with the help and support of a superpower, but it cannot and will not go on for ever. Such evil and inhuman treatment of innocent people for the benefit of a group of people who consider themselves better and more deserving of the land and who try to live in occupied land by driving away or killing those who lived there before is doomed to failure and anyone who entertains such an idea and wishes for its long term and eventual success not only is heartless and evil and devoid of humanity but is also fooling himself or herself. Just as the Nazis’ attempt at wiping out the Jews which ended in the Holocaust failed and just as the South African Apartheid eventually was brought to an end and just as the slavery and segregation in the US was forced to end, so will the racist and inhuman state of Israel be wiped off the face of the Earth and a democratic and secular state will eventually be established in all of Palestine where all people, regardless of their religion, race or ethnicity can live in peace and harmony and where children can play without being shot and killed. But, unfortunately, until then, many more people will die, thanks to the criminal government of the United States which is the real cause of the genocide taking place in Palestine. Let us all accept one simple fact here. Let us all redefine humanity and what it is to be human. If we’re not moved or touched or outraged by the massacres of the innocent and defenseless people of Gaza by the criminal governments of Israel and the US, and if we continue to make excuses for this ongoing genocide, lets agree that we’re not human. Let Palestine be the standard by which we measure humanity. And, indeed, Palestine is the defining measure of humanity at the present time. I dont care if youre a physician helping the sick in Africa, or if youre a scientist working in a laboratory trying to find the cure for cancer or if youre a cosmologist discovering the deep secrets of the universe or an engineer designing the next cool and useful tablet with amazing new features and capabilities. If youre indifferent towards the ongoing massacres and genocide in Gaza, and Palestine in general, youre not human. Any questions?
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 10:02:08 +0000

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