Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel - TopicsExpress


Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel 7/18/2013 Contrary to prior testimony, it has now been learned that the IRS Chief Counsel’s office demanded information on 2010 Election activity of Tea Party applicants. Career IRS officials in Washington now say that Lois Lerner ordered Tea Party cases to go through a multi-layer review that included her senior advisor and the IRS Chief Counsel’s office. The IRS Chief Counsel’s office is led by William Wilkins, one of two Obama Administration political appointees at the IRS. This is another scathing indictment of the IRS’ complete lack of integrity and impartiality. Please see my message below – Mat. Ben, In newly uncovered evidence, four GOP leaders now assert that the office of the Chief Counsel of the IRS is likely to have conspired in the IRS targeting of conservative groups. In prior testimonies, the IRS maintained that Chief Counsel William Wilkins, an Obama appointee, and his office had no involvement in the review and decisions regarding the applications of conservative groups. But it is now being alleged by these GOP leaders, based on a recent testimony, that Lois Lerner, the senior IRS official who earlier took the Fifth Amendment before Congress, put out instructions in the agency for applications to be reviewed by the Chief Counsel’s office. This allegation is certainly contrary to the IRS official testimony and once again reveals the potential of higher level involvement than has been previously admitted. ++IRS officials on the Hill hot seat today. Additional IRS employees will testify today before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in that committee’s effort to uncover how high up the chain of command the orders originated to target conservative groups – and how the employees were directed to comply with their superiors’ wishes. Committee Chairman Darrel Issa (R-CA) has been relentless in the investigation into the IRS abuse of power and is to be commended. ++The IRS stonewall is breaking down. The news of the Chief Counsel’s involvement follows by one day the disclosure that the IRS inappropriately accessed and scrutinized the tax records of political candidates and donors during the time frame targeting of conservative groups took place. It has also come to light that when the Department of Justice (DOJ) was notified of these illegal actions, the DOJ swept it under the rug and refused to prosecute. In a recent letter to Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), J. Russell George, the Inspector General with IRS jurisdiction, revealed that IRS officials engaged in “unauthorized access or disclosure of tax records of political donors or candidates.” In a related letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Senator Grassley questioned whether the DOJ decision to not prosecute was “politically motivated,” demanding to know who made the decision and why. It is increasingly clear that the IRS’ mission has been highly politicized under the Obama administration and that Attorney General Eric Holder has been aware of, if not complicit with, the IRS corruption. ++Petition deliveries next week! Ben, in light of all that we know, I believe there is still far more to be uncovered. This investigation must be given congressional priority and be handled by a Special Counsel. It must be resolved before the 2014 election season gets into full swing. That’s why I want to deliver another round of our petitions next week to Capitol Hill. Please help us spread the word any way you can – through e-mail, social media, or word of mouth. Every added signature increases the message’s impact! Also, if you haven’t already ordered your special bumper sticker, In God We Trust: Not Big Brother, please do so today! sticker Click here to learn more about this special offer specifically for faithful friends of Liberty Counsel: God bless you and thank you for taking this vital action with us! Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel P.S. I believe we are just beginning to scratch the surface of uncovering the depth and height of illegal IRS involvement in manipulating conservative organizations during an election cycle. In light of the newly uncovered evidence, it is clearer than ever that this investigation into the IRS requires special, concerted attention! Please help us spread the word that next week we will be once again deliver tens of thousands of petitions to congressional leaders as a reminder of their duties. I hope you’ll take a minute today to order your “In God We Trust: Not Big Brother” sticke
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 03:01:18 +0000

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