Matthew 21:44 44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be - TopicsExpress


Matthew 21:44 44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. “This stone”... Christ is “a stone to strike and a rock to stumble over” to unbelievers. And the prophet Daniel pictured Him as a great stone “cut out of the mountain without hands,” which falls on the kingdoms of the world and crushes them (Dan. 2:44-45). Whether a ceramic vessel “falls on” a rock, or the rock “falls” on the vessel, the result is the same. The saying suggests that both enmity and apathy are wrong responses to Christ, and those guilty of either are in danger of judgment. You see, the cornerstone fastens and holds securely two walls together. I believe these two were symbolic of the Jew and the Gentile. God is the architect. The builder might reject this stone for the corner, but ultimately, the architect has the say and the builder has to bow to His wishes. This symbolism of falling on the stone means we humble ourselves before God, being brought down by the stone (Jesus Christ). The next symbolism is saying total rejecting of this cornerstone (Jesus Christ). The next symbolism is saying total rejection of this cornerstone (Jesus) makes the wrath fall on you and will pulverize you. Jesus is Judge of the world. When His judgment falls on the unrepentant sinner, it is their total destruction.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 00:34:53 +0000

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