Max is 1 month old today! It has been both the longest and fastest - TopicsExpress


Max is 1 month old today! It has been both the longest and fastest month for this new mommy. Max now weighs 11.5 lbs and is 22 inches long. His head hasnt grown, thank goodness, as it is in the 100th percentile in size lol. Max loves to eat often, be held and rocked, poop a lot, and get snuggled in a blanket. He loves his car seat and going for rides in both the car and stroller. He is a super happy cute smiley content baby in the mornings and a fussy needy dramatic lil stinker in the evenings. His longest stretch of sleep at night so far was 4 hours. He hasnt taken a bottle or pacifier yet but we are going to introduce the bottle next week so his mom-mom can babysit one night soon. He just grew out of his newborn size diapers and onesies. He just started getting fat rolls under his chin and even on his wrists which makes me giggle. He is strong and can hold his head up and look around when he wants to. His eyes are a deep ocean blue which I loooove but are so dark I think they may turn brown eventually like mine. I can see both David and myself in his features and expressions. We cant wait for all the little changes and growth next month will bring. Your Dad and I love you Max! ♡♡♡
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:43:54 +0000

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