..........Maxim in Law: He who fails to assert his rights has - TopicsExpress


..........Maxim in Law: He who fails to assert his rights has none. Dealing with the legal “person” “actors” who habitually “presume” that you are consenting to “act” as a legal “person” under their jurisdiction, requires knowledge, patience, backbone, self-possession – literally, and a measure of empathy toward those who falsely believe in their illusory paper world of bondage. Any State process requiring a signature is a contract by consent, as is simply answering to the spoken “fictional NAME”. Legal “person” “actors” who make presentments are ALWAYS looking for a legal “person”. They NEED you in “joinder” because they have no claim against a man or a woman. When a legal “person” “actor”, or their agency, sends a presentment in the post, it is always addressed to a legal “person”, indicated by the use of all-capital-letters, JOHN DOE, or by the use of a fictional prefix, Mr John Doe. Presentments are offers of contract seeking your “commercial value”. They are not addressed to you. However, if you ignore a presentment, you are by inaction giving your “tacit consent by acquiescence”, so it is essential to “rebut the presumption” by writing a letter to the sender in their “private capacity”, or simply by writing ‘No Contract, Return to Sender’ on the envelope. Just ask them to use your proper English lawful name, John: Doe, and see what happens. Their accounting software seems unable to use proper grammatical, lawful names. Answering the phone becomes an exercise in caution, because if you answer to the spoken legal “person” NAME, you are instantly in “joinder”, and having taken the bait you are caught in a legal net. Instead, it is common sense to establish who is calling, and if they are seeking a “publicly registered legal personality created by the State”, at which point you can point out that “there is no one here who is acting in that role.” In documents, your signature IS your consent to “act” in “joinder” with the fictional legal “person” under statutory jurisdiction, giving up your sovereign living rights to obtain whatever “benefit” or “privilege” is on offer. Any government/corporate document to which you commit your valuable signature is a contract by consent. You cannot be forced to sign anything without your willing consent, because that would be extortion. If you are told that you must sign a document, that is a lie, and attempted extortion in law. The origin of all legal jurisdiction is the the consent of the governed, freely obtained with full disclosure. Your hand-written signature is your contract pledge, your sovereign power, your commercial energy (money), and a record of your Life. When you sign a contract, you can protect yourself by adding “All Rights Reserved” below your name, as an “unambiguous declaration” of your Life. This creates an “autograph” as opposed to the “sign” of a fictional character by an “actor”. Contracts can only be made between like entities, “human with human”, or “person with person”, and are otherwise void. We are all born equal in the eyes of the law, with inalienable Rights, Responsibilities, and Credit. Governments are instituted by the people and all public officers serve as “public servants” responsible and accountable to the people. Sovereignty resides in the People, whose power is the source of Law. If the people’s authority, partly delegated to their government, is turned against the people, the “public trust” is betrayed. Sadly, centuries of monetary, legal and political manipulation have deeply subverted our government, establishing a global power elite who rule at the expense of the majority, transferring wealth upward via interest-bearing-debt, and mindlessly destroying people and the natural world. Nevertheless, the foundation of our government is the “public trust”, which still endows the People with the Sovereign power of the Nation. The beginning of freedom is the realization that your “public trust” is there to serve your Life, not take it. The power of your Life is found in your knowledge and your non-fictional behaviour. Freedom is not given, but earned, and it is held by attention to your living Rights. You are free the moment you feel equality and freedom in your heart. On this journey, it wise to go peacefully with honour, for honour is the foundation of the common law, and that is where you “stand”, in the “law of the land”. This article is not legal advice to any man or woman, because we are each Responsible for our own knowledge, and should be. Ultimately, freedom lives in your heart and is not reliant on written words. All that is written is spelling. “Legalese” is a belief system, and the legal fiction “person” is a prison of the mind. Maxim in Law: Legality is not reality. Living people have many powers: the powers of Life, Sovereignty, Truth, Reason, Contract (Consent), Attorney, Justice, Credit, and many other powers, including the powers of Compassion, Love, and Learning. But none of these powers exist unless you know who you are. Many people complain about the corrupt “system”, and yet all who “act” as “persons” literally surrender their living Rights – their power of Life. Having forsaken their Life, they enable corruption. The world we create is the one to which we give our consent. DO YOU CONSENT? freedomriver.wordpress/do-you-consent/
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 17:52:24 +0000

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