Maya Blue Face In The Eagle´s Gift, Castaneda presented his - TopicsExpress


Maya Blue Face In The Eagle´s Gift, Castaneda presented his vision of the nahual´s party, comprised of eight men and eight women, forming a line with arms linked in a DNA-like braid. Imagine a line of dancers in a kundalini conga. Don Juan said this was the form of the Plumed Serpent that allowed the party to transit as a unit to the other side. To some minds, this image will suggest dematerialization, recalling the claim of Arguelles that in the 2012 endtime some people attuned to the right frequencies of awareness could be swept into another dimension on a cosmic beam emanating from the center of the galaxy. But is this literary image of Castaneda compatible with such a literal notion of off-planet transport? I have been asked on more than on occasion if the cosmic beam theory found in Arguelles´ writings, and, in a different version, in the cataclysmic astrophysics of Paul LaViolette, relates to the fall of the Aeon Sophia from the Pleroma, the galactic core. As a mythological motif, the fall of the Goddess is unique and cannot be associated with the fall of humanity, a notion refuted in Sethian Gnosticism. Since humanity does not fall from a divine state, there is no need to return to the divine source. Pagan, non- and pre-Christian Gnosis set the aim of realizing divinity here and now on earth, in the realm of the senses, by a direct encounter with the indwelling goddess, Sophia. Wisdom is her name, diversity is her game, and novelty is the key to the importance of humanity in Her Dreaming, the imagination of the earth. Escape from the planet by dematerialization or miraculous transport is not the option here, but knowing first hand the presence of the Nahual in this world always is. The Nahual is the Unknown, the Otherworld, the other side of what we know via the mind and senses in their ordinary modalities. The nahual, non-capitalized, is the member of the party of Xolotl who on any occasion points to the Unknown, sees it first, divines its effects, or otherwise indicates its presence to the party. (In Pagan Mysteries at Eleusis and elsewhere, the nahual was called the hierophant.) This person is immediately recognized by the others as the nahual for that occasion. Sometimes the nahual is identified by the oracle of rubbed charcoal. The sound of small cubes of burnt wood grated together gently in the palm signals the hypertonic hearing that points, like a hunting dog, to the looming presence of the Nahual. The Nahual is not exactly the presence of the Aeon Sophia in her primary substance body, the epiphany of the Organic Light. It is the presence of the boundless cosmic reality, the truth of Shunyata, that looms behind the Light. In that soft wellspring of shadowless luminosity, everything is knowable, but the Unknown looms over the knowable, and within the Unknown looms the Unknowable. Castaneda carefully made this distinction between the Unknown and the Unknowable, explaining that the former is inexhausible, there being always infinitely more to know, but we cannot even know if the Unknowable is infinite or finite! (Vedanta and Kashmiri Shaivism make similar distinctions.) There is enormous salubrity in the Organic Light. Even a momentary glimpse of it bestows eternal youth and ineffable wisdom: Never was a man in such pain but from that day he beholds the Stone, he cannot die in the week that follows immediately after. Nor will his complexion ever decline... If that person saw the Stone for two hundred years, his hair would never turn gray. Such power does the Stone bestow that flesh and bone immediately acquire youth. So is the Grail described in Arthurian legend (Parzival, Ch. 9). The Organic Light is a wellspring of healing power. In the 2012 endtime and after, Gaia will heal herself with catastrophic changes, but many other miraculous healings will occur as the geophysical shift unfolds. In the tradition of siddha yoga followed by the Grofs, the appearance of Blue Person is highly auspicious. People see the Person, or sometimes the Blue Pearl, spontaneously in altered states. The traditional depiction of Krishna with blue skin points to this mystical experience. The 2012 endtime may portend sightings of Blue Person on an unprecedented scale. The Nahual associated with the Organic Light is a place one can look into, and go into if you have the adequate stealth, but some entities, including human beings or humanoid forms such as Blue Person, inhabit it permanently. Among these are the Maya Blue Face, a tight clan of diviners and healers who continually make the rounds to the galactic center and back. They are the Lords of Palenque, allies of P. azurescens, the most potent of psilocybin mushrooms (left). Azura: blue face. They are the Asuras of Hindu-Persian mythology, traditionally portrayed as fearsome sorcerers and gorgon-like monsters to veil their true identity and protect their benevolent mission from snoops and sidewinders. The flesh of the Maya Blue Face is like clay, soft and porous, its color fluctuating from greyish blue to rich, dark azure. Their faces show the profile of local royalty depicted in the murals of the Classical Maya: sloped forehead, oval eyes, wide rounded nose like a fat slice of melon, long ears. Most distinctively, they bear on their cheeks the teardrop marking of the highest shamanic skill, predation, which is also the source of the deepest healing of which humans are capable. Blue Face shamans are warriors gifted with lethal and baffling abilities, powers for killing and torture, and flesh-eating savvy. They acquired the supreme skill through a millennial pact with the great predator cats, the saber-toothed tiger, jaguar and puma, who also have teardrop markings. Linda Tucker discovered the same symbiotic link between prey and predator among the White Lions of Timbavati. The Zulu Lion shaman Credo Mutwa explained the link to her, connecting the lion to celestial patterns. The connection is pan-terrestrial, but the Maya Blue Face are special agents of the periodic return to the celestial center. They know the spidery tracks to the galactic core and out again into the spiralling arms. To see the teardrop markings of the Maya Blue Face is one of the most poignant experiences of planetary mysticism, for the tatooed shapes send a message that is eternally true, at once infinitely sad and infinitely hopeful: only those who know how to kill magically can resurrect the human species from extinction. The Blue Face shamans do not enact predation, but they use the feline savvy of the great predatory species to guide and heal whomever they encounter on their rounds. Emanating the deliciously feral presence of the big hunting cats, they are benign and serene, the time-honored elders of the party of Xolotl. JLL
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 10:14:21 +0000

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