McCain for Congress: Congressman Joe Wilson voted for TARP, the - TopicsExpress


McCain for Congress: Congressman Joe Wilson voted for TARP, the $750 Billion tax payer funded bail out of banks and corporations who made bad financial decisions. He voted for the Patriot Act which allows for government to monitor our phone calls, internet use and bank accounts. He voted for CISPA which allows for corporations to share your personal data with other corporations and government even though in the contract they said they would not. He voted to keep the add on in the NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act, that allows government to apprehend you without a warrant, take you away to parts unknown and not allow you a trial or a lawyer. These four bill that Congressman Joe Wilson voted for are just a few of the many he has voted for during his 6 terms in Washington, DC that he did not have the constitutional authority to vote for. His un constitutional and un American voting record is the reason why I am running against him in the Republican primary on June 10, 2014. I will be more than happy to debate Congressman Wilson on his voting record anytime that he feels comfortable sitting down with me in front of cameras and a live audience. His voting record is horrible!
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 21:22:33 +0000

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