McCarthyism in science. Worse it sounds like old Soviet era - TopicsExpress


McCarthyism in science. Worse it sounds like old Soviet era directed science. This is disgusting and frightening. If its this bad on this issue? How bad is it in other issues topics? How many un-PC research grants just get disregarded by those sure they are invalid? Or those afraid of political repercussions. Ive heard of Egyptologists who stopped teaching for fear of repercussions from on or off campus black groups who wont tolerate the idea that Cleopatra wasnt black (she was actually Greek). Energy groups projects getting defunded/hidden, since though pollution free, their systems wouldnt be green. Medical research shelved or distorted to fit limitations by ideological groups as to be worthless (At one point international AIDS research groups at conference proposed ignoring all research done by the US, because Gay groups had forced such political sensitivity in the research and data efforts, the reports were completely invalid.) Car designs for specious politically driven goals, etc, etc. This kind of thing, when science has to lie, is a real threat to civilizations. Kelly Starks breitbart/Breitbart-London/2014/05/14/Climate-Science-Defector-Forced-to-Resign-by-Alarmist-Fatwa
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 07:06:13 +0000

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