McCoist has joined chief executive Craig Mather in demanding a - TopicsExpress


McCoist has joined chief executive Craig Mather in demanding a full explanation over why Hearts avoided a financial penalty and only picked up a six-month transfer embargo when they plunged into administration. Rangers collected a £50,000 fine when former chairman Craig Whyte sent them down the tubes in February last year and copped a one-year ban on registering new players. Dunfermline avoided any financial penalty when they called in the administrators towards the end of last season, and McCoist is beginning to wonder whether supporters who believe the Hampden hierarchy have it in for their club have been right all along. He said: “A lot of the fans have felt hard done by and that their club has been singled out in many ways. This will make it hard to argue with them if it is, indeed, the case. I’m hoping it’s not. “I don’t understand it. Am I missing something? “Are we the only club to have been fined £50,000? “If that’s the case, it does seem a little bit strange. Maybe we’ll get a cheque back from the SFA over the next week or so and that would come in very handy. “I need to be careful what I say and I don’t know all the details, but I echo Craig Mather’s views in terms of looking for an explanation. “We’ve said all along that we only want to be treated fairly. “I don’t want to see anyone fined. It doesn’t seem logical to fine clubs who don’t have any money. A lot of the fans have felt hard done by and that their club has been singled out in many ways Craig Whyte “It seems to defeat the object, but there we are. “I’m really gutted for Hearts and Dunfermline because I know what the staff and the supporters are going through and it’s terrible.” Asked if he feels the SFA work to an anti-Gers agenda, McCoist added: “I’ve become immune to feelings. I’m just looking forward to the beginning of September when we can put a squad of players on the park that will hopefully see us through this next year.” McCoist, meanwhile, insists the club’s move for Bosnian Boris Pandza is back on after fresh talks between Mather and the defender’s agent. Express Sport reported that Pandza had agreed a three-year deal, but was told the move could not happen until the Gers had shunted certain players out the door. But McCoist is more positive about completing the deal in the wake of negotiations staged over the past 24 hours. He said: “There is nothing concrete, but I think the discussions are moving along nicely.” McCoist is also set to ask trialists Hameur Bouazza and Mamady Sidibe to remain at the club as he hopes to free up wages by getting rid of the likes of Kal Naismith, Anestis Argyriou, Emilson Cribari and Kyle Hutton
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 10:36:17 +0000

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