Mechanical Titans Planes, trains, cars , mega - factories and - TopicsExpress


Mechanical Titans Planes, trains, cars , mega - factories and boats are the mechanical marvels of our age and they all tested cutting-edge engineering . But what is the winner in its own category ? The fastest car , the biggest excavator , the train reaches faster or more maneuverable fighter plane ... Discovery MAX tests the best of the best and shows us in Titans mechanical . Beasts of engineering , a series that reveals the technology and innovation behind some of the worlds most popular structures . With a mission to find the worlds top five in different categories of engineering giants , Discovery Channel has filmed this series in which we see the largest mechanical marvels , its operation , its secrets and its usefulness in society. Each episode of mechanical Titans shows the top five planes , trains, ships and other large vehicles , factories and mega - buildings and pits them against each other to establish which is the best of them all. This ranking will enable us to see what lies behind these jewels of engineering, discover the secrets of their success and dreaming about the evolution that technology provides for the coming years . Did you know that the energy needed to power the worlds largest cruise ship is comparable to that required nuclear plant ? Or that a Boeing 747 carrying enough fuel for a car can travel four times around the world? Fascinating anecdotes , secrets and all the wonderful engineering that hides in the guts of these wonders of human creation now reach your television screen.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:03:23 +0000

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