Meek- having or showing a quiet and gentle nature: not wanting to - TopicsExpress


Meek- having or showing a quiet and gentle nature: not wanting to fight or argue with other people. The Greek word rendered meek in Matthew 5:5 is also rendered gentle or humble. Moses was commended as the meekest man on earth(Numbers 12:3). And even Jesus described His own disposition as meek: I am gentle and lowly in heart(Matthew 11:29; cf. 21:5). Because this word is used of Moses and Jesus, it is clear that meekness is not weakness. Nelsons illustrated Bible defines meekness as an attitude of humility towards God and gentleness towards men, springing from the recognition that God is in control. It is strength and courage under control, coupled with kindness. As a fruit of the spirit(Galatians 5:23), meekness is a virtue that should characterize the Christian/Kingdom Citizen(Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:12, 1 Peter 3:15). The Christian/Kingdom Citizen is to be gentle, showing all humility to all men. Dear Lord, Make me Meek. Amen
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 16:56:40 +0000

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