Meet Nathan Shaw From REFLECTION! (About the Character: - TopicsExpress


Meet Nathan Shaw From REFLECTION! (About the Character: Billionaire biotech company owner, Nathan Shaw, will do anything, including murder to keep his clone (a small child) concealed from outsiders.) What one word best describes you? Nathan: “Distinct.“ What are you passionate about these days? Nathan: “What I have been passionate about most of my life. Genetics and cloning. I do not understand why people recoil at the idea of human copies—healthy manufactured humans.“ You were one of the first companies to clone animals almost thirty years ago. Would you consider cloning humans? Nathan: “Of course if it was legal in this country. Hopefully, it will be one day.“ What is something people would be surprised to know about you? Nathan: “I was Las Vegas Man of the Year six years running and made the cover of Time magazine, twice.“ You just won a huge lottery what is the first thing you’d buy? Nathan: (Glances at the wall clock) “Apparently, you haven’t done any background on me. If Miss Steel was conducting this interview, at least she would have done her homework first. I own ShawBioGen, a seventy-five billion dollar Biotech company. The last thing I need is money.” Who should play you in a film? Nathan: “John Malkovich. Brilliant actor. I heard he gave a stellar performance portraying serial killer, Jack Unterweger, on stage in Vienna.“ Who is your favorite author? Nathan: “Elmore Leonard. I enjoy his realism writing style.“ Do you play any sports? Nathan: “No, I run a couple miles daily to keep in shape.“ What would we find under your bed? Nathan: (Glances at the clock again) “If you are going to continue with this silly line of questioning, we are done here.” Ok, then…what is something you want people to know about you? Nathan: That I have done a lot of good in my life. I’ve donated millions of dollars a year to food banks and homeless shelters around the country and will continue to do so. I’ve also put millions into healthcare and scientific research.“ Tell us about your greatest achievement. Nathan: “There have been so many but I can’t discuss my greatest at this point. Instead I will say…developing medications that cure diseases and improve lives. In particular, genetic illnesses and recessive disorders that devastate families. Apparently, you didn’t read my company’s press kit. You really do remind me so much of the lovely, Miss Steel.” What was the scariest moment of your life? Nathan: “When my sister died of Menkes Syndrome, a dreadful disorder that affects copper levels in the body, leading to copper deficiency and extensive neuro-degeneration of the brain and eventual death. Like most children with Menkes, they die within the first decade of life, usually infancy, as Katherine did. She’s the reason I began my research work into genetic disorders.“ Is there a piece of advice that you have received that has really stuck with you? If so, what was it? Nathan: “The first rule of business. Employees are replaceable.” If you could apologize to someone in your past, what would you say? Nathan: I don’t apologize. I have nothing to apologize for. I do, however, have a message for FBI agent, Blake Neely and the lovely, Miss Steel.” And what’s that? Nathan: “Don’t get too comfortable…you are replaceable.” That sounds like a threat. Nathan: (Smiles)
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 01:27:07 +0000

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