Meet The Press Panders to GOP Talking Points First thing after - TopicsExpress


Meet The Press Panders to GOP Talking Points First thing after making my coffee, I turned on Meet The Press, as I do every Sunday. Once the proud, venerable weekend political forum - hosted by the esteemed and doggedly-determined, late great, Tim Russert; MTP has somehow morphed into a platform for endless pablum for the simple-minded, parading a whos who of Obama-bashing, anti-government troglodytes like this mornings fare... First up was an interview with Texas Governor, Rick Perry. Spouting the usual drivel about things like opposing raising the Minimum Wage, and the need to unleash the onerous burden of federal regulations on business. Perry blamed Obama for the 800,000 Americans who stopped looking for work - instead of applauding the outstanding April job numbers (50-straight months of job creation) and the drop in the overall Unemployment Rate to the lowest level since the Bush Recession nearly led us into another Great Depression! How is it that wearing glasses can even make a Far Right buffoon like Perry seem somehow thoughtful and intelligent to a dumbed-down TV audience...? But I digress. Perry hit all the usual GOP talking points - you know that Republicans arent focused on the Minimum Wage, but rather, focused on the Maximum Wage. What the HELL does that even mean...? Well, that means allowing business owners to reap greater order to risk their capital in expanding their businesses and creating good-paying jobs. EXCEPT, what we have all seen, is that they - instead - sit on HUGE mountains of cash, and either simply stash it away in foreign tax havens...or invest it OVERSEAS, where they can exploit low-wage workers to churn out cheaply made goods in places where workers have abysmal conditions and no political rights or leverage against the new international Plutocracy! >:( Next up for MTP was Jason Chaffetz and...? BENGHAZI!!! Hell hasnt Fixed News already become The 24-7 Benghazi Network...? The pandering to GOP memes continued into the political roundtable discussion segment, but I remember all-too-well that it was THE RETHUGLICANS in Congress that denied $300 Million requested by the Obama Administration to beef up security in our many, far-flung diplomatic missions around the world. Caffetz also did the usual pissing and moaning about Obamacare and the Minimum Wage that are both ruining business and driving jobs overseas, bringing up the usual anti-federal, laissez-faire Plutocrat crappola - about states like his Utah (?) - having better solutions to what ails us. :P Clearly - battered by the growing success of the ACA and hamstrung by a clearly recovering economy, record corporate profits and increasing demand to raise the Minimum Wage (overwhelmingly favored by the American People) - the Rethuglicans are betting the farm on beating the Benghazi drum incessantly leading into the 2014 Mid-terms and in hopes of derailing a Hillary Clinton presidential run in 2016! The GOP has no conscience and no shame and, apparently,...neither does Meet The Press! >:(
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 18:29:12 +0000

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