Men this status is to encourage you to be what God has created you - TopicsExpress


Men this status is to encourage you to be what God has created you to be, which is the head of your wives, the leaders of your homes and servants of the most high. WIFE: She is not to dominate you in no way shape form or fashion, nor are you to dominate her., but by all means she is to respect your headship. This headship is to be that of Christ Jesus and not a dictatorship or your “opinion”. 1 Corinthians 11:3 states,” But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” Christ should rule your heart, mouth, and actions!! “WARNING” The devil will use her and anything you allow him to if you step out of Gods will and do your own thing. You are to respect her and be submissive to her as well . Ephesians 5:21 it says, “submit one on to another.” This means if you out of line and she says God said that’s wrong and she not doin that “ then you are to submit to that. But don’t ever break your stand on whats right because she’s cute or show you a lil thigh. You are the head as God created you so stand on it. CHILDREN: Your sons are your legacy, and if you are not putting time into them , Lucifer is . Rather its video games, music videos, the streets , movies or whatever. You need to above all things teach them to be a man of God ,and don’t waste your time telling them because they’ll pay more attention to what you do then what you say. Teach them to be better then you by all means. A better man of God , a better husband , a better father ,and a better man. Respect his mother , and he’ll respect his wife , take care of him and he’ll take care of his kids , follow the LORD and he’ll follow the LORD. Your daughters will be women one day, and however you treat their mom they’ll think it’s ok for men to treat her that way, so dont teach her to look for a cat who will abuse her in any way. MEN!!!!!!! There will be ton of problems in life in these areas but above all things KNOW the answers are NOT at the bottom of a bottle of booze, they are NOT in some woman’s bed, it is NOT in weed, but it is rite where this man is which is at the cross on your knees. SHARE ,BE ENCOURAGED, AND GO BE THE MEN GOD CALLED USE TO BE. God bless ,and SHALOM--------------------ST.CLAIRE QUINCY LEE SR.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:42:28 +0000

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