Mental illness is very sad especially when its the result of drug - TopicsExpress


Mental illness is very sad especially when its the result of drug abuse. This person is someones child, maybe someones sister or even mother. On the surface, her behaviour may be amusing, but how will she end up ultimately? For now she seems to at least be healthy, but her end will likely be a tragic one of confusion, perhaps even fowl play if she is indeed an addict and fails to keep herself out of harms way. Until then, she will likely be the subject of abuse, ridicule and exploitation. As someone whose family has been touched by mental illness, I have mixed feelings when I see people post things like this as something to laugh at. Part of me recognizes what is funny, not wanting to judge someone for enjoying a laugh, but another part of me knows all too well the suffering. If you ever see someone behaving strangely like this, try to have some compassion for them and help where possible. Inside they are a real human being struggling to communicate from inside a broken mind. Can you imagine how lonely that experience might be, especially if there is little hope for recovery?
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 06:22:08 +0000

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