Meredith Andrews “Open Up The Heavens” I find much joy in - TopicsExpress


Meredith Andrews “Open Up The Heavens” I find much joy in gathering with the people of God on a weekly basis and lifting our hearts and songs heavenward in worship. What a privilege to serve the same body for an extended period of time and grow with them in our understanding, expression and passion for worshiping Jesus. For me, there is little else as fulfilling as entering into the presence of God with His beloved bride and offering up our adoration, thanksgiving and praise. The goal is to make much of Jesus and respond to His revealed Word and manifest presence. But how do we get there? How do we move past our stuff and get to God? we all have our burdens and distractions, but if we can just get to Jesus and lay it all at His feet, our stuff seems insignificant in comparison to the glory of God. What joy and freedom and rest there is in His presence! Oftentimes at our church, we will begin a service with an invocation from the Psalms or a prayer asking God to have His way in and among us. Our first song is always what we refer to as a Gathering Song, one that is a call to worship in itself, and focuses our hearts on why we are there. In singing lyrics like those in “Open Up The Heavens”, we are choosing to lay aside distractions and are asking the Lord to do whatever He wants to do in us. Kicking off a service with a song like this is something we feel strongly about as we know our people need that time and those words to let go of what happened five minutes ago and set their gaze upward.. Its a journey. Were ascending the hill of the Lord as His people, preparing our hearts for what He will do in us along the way. Were asking that He would rend the heavens and come down, (Isaiah 64:1) and “show us His glory like weve never seen before,” (Exodus 33:18). Only then will we be different from when we walked in the door.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:42:08 +0000

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